
Epiphron & Bronze

Bronze i


12 Years
03-07-2013, 02:23 PM (This post was last modified: 03-07-2013, 03:08 PM by Bronze i.)

Bronze[ proud ;; loyal ;; aggressive ;; disturbed ;; prone to anger ]

    [*]As an older wolf, Bronze has gone through a lot in his life; he has a lot of skeletons in his closet, and they haunt him almost constantly.

    [*]Some brief background: He has had 5 children who he hasn't seen in years (with his first and only love, who he abandoned, fearful that he would become violent towards her), had a brief stint as a mercenary, killed his father when he was fairly young, and lots more.

    [*]I've literally played this character on and off since 2001, so nearly everything in his history actually happened, and most of the characters in his past really existed.

    [*]Friends: While he is easy to upset, once gained, his loyalty is beyond that of any other creature. He is quite paternal deep down, and would also make a great mentor for someone who feels like an outcast.

    [*]Enemies: I could imagine him having plenty of these. He gets angered quite easily, and due to circumstances in his past, he is drawn to violence like a moth to a flame.

    [*]Lover: This is a tricky one, but definitely something I'd like to think about. His heart still lies with a female he hasn't seen in years, but deep inside he craves someone who {like her} accepts him for who he is, flaws and all.

  • Clients: Bronze has a history as a mercenary. He hasn't done this in a few years, but something dark inside him is always nagging and fighting to come out. Perhaps he could be convinced to try to take down someone, whether a loner or someone from a nearby pack! He would also consider joining a pack for this sole purpose. This could be super interesting, so let me know if you're interested.

Epiphron Adranvedi[ graceful ;; elegant ;; perseverant ;; composed ;; slightly narcissistic ]

  • Of course, Epiphron is of the Adravendi lineage. She is loyal to the core, and fiercely proud of who she is and where she comes from. As she is young, this is a quality that is still growing in her, but as she grows, her pride will become something much more egotistical.

  • Friends: Since she has been in Valhalla since her birth, she is bound to have friendships within the pack (outside of her close family). She is young, so she still can be quite playful, and she's full of curiosity and wonder at the world around her.

    [*]Enemies: This could be very interesting! Since the Adravendis form the core of the Valhalla pack, I could envision a sort of 'secret' hatred, one that is never made explicit (or at least not for awhile) -- perhaps your character thinks she's a brat? Something along those lines.

    [*]Mentors: I plan on having Epiphron choose to train for Lead Warrior, and she could certainly use some mentors to help her along the way. She is not particularly large, but her skill will come not from brute strength, but from speed and agility.

  • Lover: She is young, but this is still worth thinking about, if anyone has any ideas! I could imagine her falling for someone who is very much her equal; perhaps someone fairly cocky and handsome. Or, perhaps a more submissive male that idolizes her? Lots of ideas here too. :)