
Even Servants Need Vacations




Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
02-05-2022, 08:33 PM

No sooner had the golden blonde fae presented herself before her Mistress, she felt Manea's large leonine paw catch her by her chin, lifting her muzzle up until Manea's violet lips had claimed her own in a firm, insistent kiss. Irilyth felt her heart miss a beat, her legs nearly melting beneath her from the sudden surge of passion from her Mistress. Manea bid her to relax, and following that kiss, it was easy to do. Irilyth's body relaxed back as Manea released her, listening with curiosity in her pale red eyes while she was told that today was all about her as a show of the Mendacium matriarch's appreciation for her. "Yes, it has been, Mistress," she said with a nod of confirmation. She still vividly remembered the day Manea had found her during that thunderstorm, taken her as her own, and shown her what life with the Mendaciums would be like. She'd watched her lady birth her firstborn children, watched her gather her family and form her band, and then her pack. She'd helped raise the twins alongside Manea and watched them grow and mature into the young adolescents they were today. So much had happened in the span of a year, all where she had been near death just before.

At Manea's direction, Irilyth stood and began to follow the alphess out of the den and up one of the mountain paths that wound through the Alias range. They arrived shortly afterward at a plateau overlooking most of the island, bathed in warm summer afternoon sun. Near the edge of the plateau, Iri saw that Manea had set up a picnic on a bed of fine looking furs, complete with wine, steaks, and honeyed berries. But most extraordinary of all was the view! From up here, the two faes could see across the entire island, from coast to coast on all sides. Alias was by no means a small island, but from up high, seeing everything at once, it was easy to feel larger than life. Irilyth's gawking was interrupted by Manea sliding past her to lie sprawled out on her stomach across the furs, beckoning her over with a tempting smirk and a pat of her paw. The blonde fae wasted no time other than a moment to look over her Mistress' nubile form, petite paws carrying her supple, graceful form over to settle down on her side beside Manea on the plush furs while she took in the moment.

Irilyth glanced up at Manea, giving the larger woman a small appreciative smile while she tried not to think about how easily her small body could nestle right up into Manea's side. It had been some time since her Mistress had needed any sort of physical affections or releases from her, and she just chalked it up to the business of a leader's life keeping her preoccupied—or her husband doing a more than satisfactory job in the bedroom. "Thank you, Mistress. This is much too kind for me, but I am grateful for your generosity," she spoke in soft dulcet tones to the wolf that had been the nicest owner she'd ever had. She was just happy to not get beat or berated or fear for her life on a regular basis anymore!
