
What Do You Want To Be?




Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
02-05-2022, 08:45 PM

Ruse pouted a little when her father told her that she could only go to the main land when she was a little bigger, just saying that it would be "soon". She wanted to go see everything now and waiting to grow was so boring, but of course her daddy knew best so she'd just have to keep waiting even if she didn't like it. When he nudged her chin she refocused on his similarly two-toned gaze and perked a little at the promise that if she worked on her skills it would get her there even faster. She was already motivated to work on stuff just because she wanted to make him proud and be the best sneaky spy she could be, but that was just a cherry on top! The faster she learned the faster she'd get to go and do and see all the things she wanted to!

She listened while he talked about the mainland and how dangerous it was and how they were safe here on the island. Well, she definitely already knew that she was safe here, there was no question about that! Her momma had told her about the dangerous things, but hearing her dad say that they were dangerous felt different. Nothing could be dangerous to him! He was the biggest, strongest wolf she knew! She snuggled into him when his forelegs wrapped around her and she nodded in agreement to her and her siblings needing to know how to take care of themselves. She definitely didn't want to worry him, especially not when she was doing all the exploring she wanted to do.

Ruse grinned and giggled when he kissed her cheek, her tail wagging happily as she reached up to put a kiss on the end of his nose in return. She shook her head when he asked about staying here with him being so bad, giving him a bright smile in return. "Definitely not bad! I wanna stay here with you forever, Dad. Well... I wanna go explore sometimes, but I'll come back!" she promised with a giggle. She snuggled into him again with her head in the crook of his neck, attempting to wrap her little forelegs around his neck and failing. "I love you, Dad!"

"Chimera & Rusalka"