
tales of a world gone wrong




5 Years
Dire wolf

02-06-2022, 12:52 AM
The feel of the lady's fur and flesh in his jaws brought another surge of endorphins rushing through Sitka's brain. The thrill of the fight, the pumping of blood through his beating heart as it pushed adrenaline to his every muscle, it was a high unlike anything else! Jack laughed, a lovely sound that simultaneously had no place and belonged everywhere on a battlefield. The smaller girl fought against his hold, and Sitka gripped even harder to maintain his control over her. Together they writhed and fought against one another, and try as he might, the brute just couldn't get a solid grasp around the fae. Then she pushed forward into him, and Sitka felt the weight of her body push up into his shoulder. He was already not on the best balance being up on his hind legs to try and grapple her, but with her surge forward, Sitka found himself toppling backwards with Jack as she rushed in.

The world tumbled, and Sitka felt the grass and earth meet his back. He refused to relinquish the upper hand so easily though, and while Jack's teeth snapped around his neck and collarbone, the dire wolf lashed out with large paws and strong forearms, aiming to connect with any part of Jack's face and head with solid punches. While he swung, he curled his hind legs up in between them, seeking to plant his hind paws on Jack's underside and either roll her off or kick her off of him, just enough to gain some space and get himself up from off his back and into a more favorable position.

Sitka vs Jack for Spar (Loser buys dinner)
Round 2/2
Age: 1+ years
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Survival knife
Defensive Battle Accessory: Reinforced Leather Breastplate
Companion 1: Peregrine falcon, Female - Flying
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Beginner Hunter

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.