



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
02-06-2022, 12:00 PM
Life in the pack was certainly a great time of adjustment for Usagi. Turthfully, one would find it hard to believe that he could so easily fall into a strict role, a hierarchy in an ordered rank. His hot, fiery temper had no place in such an orderly infrastructure, yet, he quelled it just enough for getting along with others. He channeled it into spars and hunts instead, thus making him a more respectful being - as well as the fact that the pack reminded him much of home, and he and his brother really needed that these days. The aching for home hurt some days more than others, and the anger for his father’s abandonment still steeped a glowing pile of embers in his chest. Stoking it was the everlasting need to protect his brother, and make sure he was happy. It was all that mattered to him - he’d move the heavens and the earth just to ensure his sibling’s safety. This pack had a way of giving him what he didn’t realize they needed; structure, duties, and a purpose.

Investigating and patrolling took up most of Usagi’s days; antlered cat and Akita in tow, the grumpy male took care to search for recognizable landmarks, track his directions, as well as catch the unwitting prey and chasing off predators as he saw them in his path. On this day, he found he had been itching for a spar. He hadn’t sparred anyone besides a few lobers on Boreas, and a good spar itched a scratch in him a predator fight just couldn’t satisfy. His desires would be answered as the deep baritone howl of their leader rang through the bamboo stalks, and Usagi out his nose to work, tracking the dire male through the weaving green-stalked expanse. He finally slipped through the last of the bamboo that gave way to a flat clearing - perfect for a spar, and enough space to maneuver as well. Still, as he approached the male - he took csre nkt to forget he was, though distant, of his blood. Seems like many of the koi here were in some ways. He glanced up at the much larger behemoth, his talons and horns not intimidating him. He had his tactics, and he’d be sure to use them. First, before he just jumped into a spar, he took care to dip his head to address the male who’d called him over. "Kaicho," He said, looking up at his leader with calm, yet expressionless eyes. He had many questions, many things left unanswered - meeting their bastard father among them. But this wasn’t the time, and certainly not the place, either. For now, he’d seek to hone his skills.


wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—