
bamboo fortress



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
02-06-2022, 12:17 PM
Usagi tilted his head upwards to meet the face of their new leader - the leader of their new pack. Some part of him was proud, but he didn’t show that, not in an arrogant manner anyways. He had found, within him and these other wolves, a home away from home. The aching for their homeland could be channeled into this new pack, one that suited exactly what he desired in their new life abroad. There was a refreshing sense of hope and belonging in the air even as torrents of rain poured down through the endless, massive stalks of bamboo. The once-uninhabited swath of land was now their home to claim, and even as the koi wolf padded after his brother with a scowl carving his lips, he felt a sense of hope that the pack would given him and his brother a place to find themselves, and perhaps that bastard of a father they had yet to meet. Though that would come in time - they had much to do. They needed to organize, make trail markers, borders..not to mention the predators and prey abound they needed to chase off or hunt. There was much to be done, they all knew that.

As the behemoth leader turned to them and began to speak, Usagi stood next to Kuroo, listening intently. Even as fat raindrops pelted his coat, soaking him to his skin, he flikced a flopped ear as he heard their leader’s words. They were the Tōjō-kai, and he was their kaicho. Familiar words that felt so relieving to hear again. He’d take care to remember that, repeating the pack’s name in his head as if he needed to believe they were truly here, all together. He didn’t mind the secrecy, as he had no interest in knowing other packs. He cared only for this one and protdcting their interests and members. Without much else he needed to ask, he simply dipped his head in acknowledgement, offering a simple, "I will go and begin surveying the place for predators to chase off, and hunt prey as I find it." If there was nothing else Hattori needed to add, he’d turn tofollow his brother, and then veer off further into the bamboo - careful not to stray too far yet from the trail markers. It wouldn’t do to get lost just yet.


wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—