
dinner and a surprise



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-06-2022, 03:16 PM (This post was last modified: 02-06-2022, 03:16 PM by Lillith. Edited 1 time in total.)
For a long few moments fear filled her and Lillith sat there stunned as Syanna made her revelation. She had been doing everything right, there hadn’t been a moment when she forgot to take her herbs or see to contraception. This shouldn’t have been possible. Syanna had looked quite happy for them, but the couple’s shock quickly overwhelmed her joy for them. Obviously neither young wolf had really expected this outcome. She was pregnant.

Lil was decidedly not ready to be a mom, but she should have expected the potential of this outcome. There was much she should have done, or known as Syanna had so easily pointed out her new condition. Her emotions were clear on her features, and as Roman found her gernet gaze he didn’t hesitate to wrap her in his arms. That was her first relief. He didn’t rebuke her, he offered comfort and he didn’t run, he held her tight. His embrace was protective and safe and as he nuzzled into her fur she let the warmth of him chase away her fears.

His words assured her, and as she buried her features into his chest she could ignore the panic that lingered in his gaze. Lilith had nearly forgotten about Syanna when she reminded them that she and Gwyn were there if they needed assistance, and then she was gone. Leaving Roman and Lillith in silence, a million thoughts raced through her head as she lingered in her lover’s embrace. The father of her children.

"Roman.” She said helplessly into his fur, "I didn’t mean for this to happen. I did everything I was supposed to…” Lillith murmured mostly to herself as she tried to rationalize what Syanna said, but she couldn’t refute her. She knew it was true. There wasn’t anything to feel but her paw lifted to her stomach, as she grasped at what was growing beneath her toes. "Pregnant.” The word was repeated on her lips in disbelief.
