
Let the Good Times Roll



10-01-2013, 12:08 PM

It could have been worse - but it didn't help her wishing that it had gone better. The alpha had hoped that she held more within herself, but in the end, she had failed her mate. Her heir's sarcasm did manage to pull a smile from her lips though, and she nearly shook her head at the anger buried deep within her words. That fire - that fire there would do the girl good, Chrysanthe held such high hopes for her beloved niece. If anything happened to her when they went to war, she trusted that Azalea - so very soon to be of leadership age, would be able to step up. "If only my council in its entirety held that manner of thinking." She worried for and about Cormalin, besides the meeting she had been busy and she supposed he had been as well. Getting ahold of him was hard. "I wouldn't be so worried about this upcoming seige."

That same fire worried her to no end - because what would she not do for Valhalla? What were her limits? Her unyeilding loyalty was both reassuring and terrifying, because there was always the chance that she could make the wrong decision. And yet she was more soothed than put on edge by Azalea's words. "You will get your chance, I promise." Oh she would definitely get her turn, they all would - especially with Syrinx at her side. Her hellion of a brother was going to give them all hell - but she trusted him. Some may see her as foolish by doing such, but she did. No matter what he did, he did it with family in mind. For Valhalla he trained as an heir, for Eos he had gone to Glaciem, and for his children he had returned to Valhalla. Now, for her, he was helping her leading what would soon be a formidable army toward their enemy.

"As soon as the first training call is made you'll get your lessons and a sparring partner. I will be there - maybe it'll be me - and I won't go easy on you." Her comment was given with a teasing smirk of her own. "But you'll be fine, I'm sure of it." The woman would be foolish to let her guard down for her heir. The rest of Valhalla would be as well.