
We Got One Thing On Our Minds




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
02-06-2022, 09:38 PM
Azzurra's ears perked with interest when Balthier told her that he had heard of this place where the ocean shimmered and her head tipped to the side with curiosity. The ocean always kind of glittered in the sun, but that couldn't be what he meant since they were making a special trip to see it. With her interest captured she climbed onto the raft, settling down onto her stomach with a contented sigh, relaxing onto the familiar raft while Balthier sailed them on around the northern tip of Auster and around to the opposite coast. She wore a gentle smile while she took in the landscapes as they passed them. The castle that The Hallows occupied loomed over them on a hill top in the distance and for a moment she could almost forget the bad memories she had of the place as she enjoyed the scenic views it created.

They came around until a long strip of beach was in sight and her sapphire eyes widened in surprise at the blue-hued glow that lit up the sands every time a wave crashed into it. "Wow..." she breathed, a grin pulling across her lips. As they got closer she noticed how the water that was lapping at the sides of the raft had the same effect and she reached over the edge with a giggle, her pale paw patting at the water and watching as it glowed around her paw. When she looked at her paw she didn't see any residual glow from it, but it did create for a beautiful backdrop.

Balthier surprised her when he lowered the sail, bringing them to a stand still in the water with the shimmering shore as their view. She smiled and shifted back away from the edge of the raft to lay beside him. He finally started pulling things from the bag he brought and the first thing he revealed was a bottle. She blinked with surprise, asking, "What's this?" He opened it and placed it beside her and she curiously sniffed the top, smelling the sharp and fruity smell of the wine inside. She had never had wine or anything like alcohol before, but she didn't want to turn down any gifts that Balthier gave her so after giving him another curious glance she lifted the bottle to her lips to take an experimental sip. It was a bitter flavor that caught her off guard at first, but after letting herself adjust to it for a moment she was able to take another sip and enjoyed it more than the first.

While she was doing that he dug something else out of his bag and just as she was setting down the wine bottle he pulled out a silver bangle that had patters painted across it that were reminiscent of their combined coloring and patterns. Her eyes widened with awe and she looked between the bracelet and him for a moment until his dark paw shifted to hold one of her smaller, pale paws and he slipped the delicate piece of jewelry onto her leg. "Balthier... It's beautiful," she told him softly as she lifted her leg a bit to turn it one way and then the other so inspect it curiously, her short tail wagging like crazy behind her. She looked up at him with a happy grin, adding, "Thank you, Balth. What's all of this for?"

"Azzurra & Balthier"