
dinner and a surprise



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
02-07-2022, 05:49 AM

Romulus barely heard what Syanna said to them. He was too busy focusing his energy on comforting the shell shocked Lillith and grasping at threads of ideas of what the fuck they were going to do now. The healer offered them support when she realized they weren’t celebrating, saying whatever they decided to do, she and Gwynevere would be there to help them. He gave her a wordless nod, and then she was gone, leaving the two young wolves to pick up the pieces of their fractured reality.

Lillith was pregnant. They were going to be parents. He was going to be a father. None of those facts sounded real in his head, and no matter how many times he rolled the words around in his brain, he couldn’t make them make sense. They were barely adults themselves, only just out of adolescence. They couldn’t raise babies of their own! Life, it seemed, disagreed. They were old enough to conceive children, and they had. Even with the precautions and contraceptions Lillith had been taking, they had still conceived a litter. Maybe something had been wrong with the medicines. Maybe something hadn’t worked right with Lil’s biology. Or maybe they were just that naturally fertile and he had super potent seed or something, he didn’t know! None of that changed the fact of the matter. They had a problem and they needed to decide how to proceed.

Lillith’s sweet voice called to him and Roman looked down at her with silver eyes that were trying their best to be calm, but the panic was evident in them. She tried to rationalize what happened, explaining away any fault of her own. Roman was quick to stop her, hushing her gently while he squeeze her in his arms. "Hey, none of that, okay? This isn’t your fault, Lil. You did everything you were supposed to. Something just… didn’t work right." It was a weak excuse, but right now, he didn’t have a better one.

He gazed down at her, his lover, his soulmate, the mother of his children. Gods, he’d wanted to call her that one day, but not now! Not like this. Trying to remain calm and collected, he gently lifted his paw to rest over her on her stomach—over where their pups were growing in her belly—and slowly pulled it away. "Do you wanna talk about this here or back in the room?" He’d let Lillith make that call. If she wanted privacy for this conversation, he wasn’t about to object.
