
it was like fire around the brim


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
02-07-2022, 06:43 AM
From afar, peaks of a mountain jutted up into the clouds. A mixture of greys and blues are painted together around a singular waterfall. Crashing down to the earth below, all one hears is the thunder of its course. A quiet lashing of wind whips at your cheeks as you squint to see closer. Through the sparse cover of evergreen trees, a flash of gold catches your attention. There was something there, there was no denying it. Moving in to see the area surrounding the waterfall, one emerges from the fog. Silent steps carried the being closer to the cliff that paraded the river of water over the edge. Two piercing blue eyes blink slowly as if they had all the time in the world.

One could not say they had ever seen something such as this before. Sturdy legs like the trees surrounding her held up a body made for these perilous conditions. Covering her form that is bulky for a female, her fur blends into the slate beneath her. Breathing slowly, calculating each breath to move in time with her steps, she holds still now at the edge. Peering down to the valley below, she is alone. She knows she is alone. So terribly alone in this world. Made for the chilling temperatures of the terrain, she lets her eyes close for a moment to take it all in.

This world is new to her. Crossing the ocean on tumultuous waters with revenge scorning her heart, she seeks out restitution. No longer did she believe to hold a love for others around her. They were all traitors to her and none were to be trusted. Everything she had built was gone. Burned to a fiery crisp where she alone stood upon the rubble of her life. They had taken everything from her and now it was her turn to do the same.

Opening her eyes once more, she takes a few steps back from the ledge. As the wind continues to ruffle her coat, she turns to walk over to the water that so readily rushes to leap over. One might have thought she'd jump, but she had more to do. Life was far from over and she was ready to face it all. Taking a few laps of that near-freezing water to dampen her dry throat, one ear does flick to the side. Was someone there? Lifting her antlered crown to look, she waits for the stranger to show themself.