
it was like fire around the brim


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
02-07-2022, 08:06 AM
Everything from the slightest rustle in the grass to the flap of wings on a gust of air, her ears heard it. Acutely attuned to the world around her, she was on edge. This place was foreign to her. She had not an idea how docile or aggressive the creatures in this land would be and thus she had to stay guarded. Holding still like a statue built for gods, her eyes watched the treeline. A slight breeze fluttered against her face as she caught the scent of two canines, both very different from each other. One was familiar like her, but the other smelled more like a mongrel. At least, that is what they were called back home.

Letting the last few droplets of water fall from her lips as she waited, it would not take but a few moments for them to appear. The behemoth of a shadow emerged with a lingering glance in her direction. Tenshi's face does not falter. Still and regal, she holds her head high with ears pressed forward. She watches him in silence as he approaches the river to drink from the other side. At first, she thought they would move on after getting a drink as she can notice the ruffled fur of the dog accompanying him. Yet, they don't.

In an instant, her own coat is ruffled around her shoulders as the dog crashes into the water with a spray careening onto the shore. Taking one step back, she lightly lifts one lip in a minute show of emotion that she is displeased. It had been serene here until they had arrived. Flicking her tail over her haunches, she continues to watch, but nothing happens. There is no sudden advancement toward her. Just a wolf and his dog. Hm, what was she to do? Continuing to watch, she keeps her distance.

Everything feels still around her as she watches them. The birds have gone silent, the wind has died down, and even the rush of water is dulled in comparison to her senses. Should she risk interacting with the shadowed stranger for information? He didn't look familiar to her kind or one from her homeland so could he possibly have an answer? Doubt grew in her as she hesitated. She had to start somewhere...

"Oi," Tenshi calls out, voice gruff from unuse and years of wear. Her eyes blink a few times as her lips open to speak again. Wait, no, there wasn't a chance that anyone here would speak her language. How was she supposed to speak the common tongue again? It had been so long since she'd had to use it. Taking a step toward the water's edge while she tried to unfold the confusion of words in her brain, she blinks one more time. "Where is this place?" Her thick accent is slow and determined to say words the man will understand. Staying frozen with water barely lapping at her toes, she waits to see if he'll respond.