
call me a dreamer




Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
02-07-2022, 09:49 AM

A slightly disgruntled expression crosses her face. Just because she can, didn't mean she had to. Of course. If she had wanted to, she would've never come to these lands. That had been forced. Stolen were her memories of that night and those days between the time she had been home and then was here. Trying to keep her anguish to herself, her head shook softly. "I appreciate the offer," her words are stony as she looks at the man.

Celeste can see a father's concern in his gaze. That would be one thing she didn't miss. Her father. Oh, that man. Sighing, Celeste knew that Vidarr was nothing like that of her family, but she had other things to do. There were others like here nearby that could help her. "Your family sounds amazing," she chose her words carefully so that she didn't offend him. "Typically, I would accept, but there is someone I need to see," Celeste knew then the wolf she needed to seek out. Not the son, but the father. Surely, the other titan of a shadowy figure would have more answers for her.

"Thank you for visiting with me, but I should take my leave. I hope your family does well," her lips brace a comforting smile as she reaches out to rest her paw upon his a moment. This would be a moment she'd never forget. "If I ever need help, I'll make sure to seek you out," Celeste nods before looking over to the cat. Letting out a soft tsk under her breath, she takes her stand and shakes out the dust from her coat. Her companion brushes his cheek against Vidarr's chest before begrudgingly moving to stand by Celeste. "Sayonara Vidarr, till next time," she smiles before leaping down from the rock and moving off into the dark forest.
