
over the cliff we go

usagi / hunt




Master Intellectual (330)

Master Hunter (335)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble Master1KPride - Gay
02-07-2022, 12:36 PM

If it hadn't been for Usagi's shout at him to stop, Kuroo may have met the same fate. Thankfully, the rumbling call of his brother made him put on the brakes as dirt sprayed out in front of him. Unfortunately for the deer, the cliff's edge would be the last thing it saw before it tumbled over. Breathing hard with his tongue lolling from his mouth, Kuroo beamed over at his brother. Whether Usagi wanted to show happiness on his face or not, he knew his brother would be pleased. "Told ya it would work," he said breathlessly to Usagi as he wandered over to the cliff's edge himself.

Staring at the mangled carcass below, he could see it twitch for a few seconds before growing still. At least the deer would meet a quick death, albeit painful. Looking up over to Usagi, he caught the look and squinted his eyes in response. Oh, so he was supposed to carry the deer up by himself? Shaking his head with a laugh, Kuroo glanced around until he saw the narrow ledge that led down the cliff's face. Possibly it had been a path for goats at one point but had clearly not been used for a time. Suspecting it was probably safe to travel, Kuroo carefully made his way down the path. Keeping his side pasted to the rocky wall, he kept his eyes on the ground in front of him.

Pebbles careened off the edge beside him and he would trip once or twice, but nothing that scared him enough to turn back. Once his paws were upon the sand at the bottom of the cliff, he turned his head over his shoulder to spot their prize. Already a few birds had made their way to the carcass and Kuroo had to quickly shoo them away with a couple of snaps of his jaw. Standing next to the bloody deer with its broken neck and legs, he looked up to his brother. "You going to help or not?" He called up before turning his attention back to the deer.

"I suppose we can try to get it into pieces and carry it up that way," Kuroo mumbled to himself before looking around for a sharp rock. Didn't Usagi have a knife or something sharp? Sighing, he hadn't thought about this part of the process before they had agreed on it. Or maybe there was a better way like a sling they could use to drag it or somewhere to store it. If they could come back for it later, they could take what they needed from time to time.

6/6 hunting
[Image: Kuroo-Fishies1.png]
kuroo's tamarin, saru, should be assumed near/on him at all times.