
dinner and a surprise



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-07-2022, 12:41 PM
Once she was well enough to start thinking about her future Lil knew that she wanted to be a mom one day. To be the woman her own mother never was. That had all been assuming everything would happen in the future. She had just become an adult, there was still so much she needed to learn and to do before she could think about babies. All of those loosely laid plans were disrupted now, because of… who would know what really happened. Maybe she took the wrong dosage, maybe her herbs were not the failsafe she thought they were. More than that she was ashamed she had been taken so off guard. She hadn’t thought about it at all she was just so caught up in Roman.

He held her tightly, the pillar of support she required even when he was feeling just as unsteady as she did. Lilith spoke with uncertainty and guilt but he stopped her before she could fall too deep. Something happened and it was out of her control. There was no real consolation but it wouldn’t matter anyway the fact remained true. She took in a shuddering breath as they both went quiet for a moment, their paws resting gently over silvery white belly fur. Lillith felt a short calmness fall over her for a split second as clarity reached her. Everything would be fine, as long as she had Roman at her side they could do anything.

Fear returned as Roman asked if this was the best place to talk. Slate tipped ears smoothed to her skull. They’d broken the law, and Artorias was going to throw them out. Lillith bit her lips to keep from crying at the thought of being banished from the Hallows to go raise her children in the wilderness with Roman. Separated from her family and pack…

"Let's go upstairs.” She whispered, her appetite long gone now and their perfect night together forgotten as well. So far Syanna was the only one that knew but that wouldn’t last for very long. Lil wanted to curl up in bed, with Roman’s arms around her, so she could feel safe as they approached the challenges ahead.
