
Let it be



10-01-2013, 01:05 PM

Winter was upon them, and the woman was more then happy to see the snow. There was always the downfall of the cold and the lack of prey. Yet with so many wolves, she was certain they'd be able to survive the winter with ease. Kurai the funny red fox that she owned as playing around in the snow. His tail sticking out of the snow as he jumped about, making her laugh slightly as she stretched from her waking moments. Shaking her brown fur to make any excess snow fall off of her pelt. The girl hadn't gotten used to Seracia, but her search for her son hadn't gone so well. He was still missing and had no idea where he was. Nor did she know where her brother was either. She just only hoped the two idiots were safe. Her black tail wiggled back and forth as she crouched down near the fox who patted her on the nose, with a large rabbit within his jaws. Where had he got that from? "There was a burrow near hear, I got et for ya." The british fox handed the rabbit over. Riv happily dipped her head to the companion. Sitting where she was and relaxing to dig into the fleshy bits of the rabbit.
Rabbit was probably her favorite food, specially since the jack rabbits where she grew up didn't taste very good. The ones here were delectable, specially snow rabbits with their white coat. Blood staining her muzzle she let out a happy bark as Kurai jumped into the snow in joy. Somehow, Riv still retained her happy qualities, and she still cared deeply for others. She was a strong leader and warrior, but never really acted on it unless she got provoked. Silently though she ate half the rabbit, wondering if there was anyone nearby who wanted the other half. It wasn't a meal, but it was good for a morning snack just as any other rabbit was.