
We Got One Thing On Our Minds




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
02-08-2022, 12:08 AM
Azzurra looked up at Balthier happily while he slid the bracelet on to her leg till it reached a point where it fit snuggly, but not too tightly, feeling his dark paw brush across her foreleg and up across her shoulder while he told her how it was supposed to be a reminder of how much he cared about her. She tipped her muzzle up to affectionately tap his chin with her nose, replying, "I always know how much you care, Balth. I don't need a bracelet to remember that by. I do love it though, it's so pretty." She didn't have very many things that were just hers or gifts like this so it felt incredibly special, especially since it was from Balthier. Even though things got rocky and uncertain at times she knew he cared and she cared about him too. She watched as he pulled over the bottle of wine and took a much more ambitious first drink than she had and snickered softly when he twinged at the bitter hit of the wine. He pushed it back to her and she willingly took another drink as well, adding to that subtle warmth that had started to spread through her. Since her drinks were more like long sips than anything she took another before she set the bottle back down.

Just as she was about to say something about the wine to him, she felt his strong limb around her waist and suddenly she was getting swept off of the raft to be pulled up on top of him. She squeaked and giggled in surprise, her head spinning a bit as the alcohol started to affect her. She was a small, thin girl and it was her first time every having alcohol at that so even a little bit of wine hit her pretty hard, but she wouldn't have known that until she started to drink. She blinked and chuckled as she settled in on top of him, looking down at him with a little smile. She watched him take another long drink of wine and she was actually kind of surprised that he'd want to drink more of it when she was already feeling a bit wobbly, but she figured he was probably just feeling differently since he was much bigger than her—or at least she hoped so. He'd have to get them back to shore eventually.

His lips found hers and she hummed softly, her mismatched ears flicking as he ignited the fluttering butterflies in her stomach. She returned his kisses, her sapphire gaze flickering closed while she tasted his lips on hers and the bitter tang of wine on their shared palates. The evening had shifted so quickly from a nice trip on the raft to something much more romantic and it caught her off guard a bit. It made her swirling thoughts wonder if he had only given her this bracelet, brought her out here, and gave her the wine just so that he could have this intimate moment with her. She couldn't deny how much he loved her, she could see it in his eyes every time he looked at her, but sometimes it just felt like too much and with how the alcohol was making her feel wobbly on the already not entirely stable surface of the raft it made her hesitant. When his hips pressed up into hers she pulled back from his lips, breathing more heavily as she blinked her eyes open to look down at him. "Are you sure we should be doing this stuff out here? Is it safe?" she questioned, hoping maybe that would deter him a bit.

"Azzurra & Balthier"