
Want to play doctor?

Siren <3



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
02-08-2022, 04:03 AM

While Dalila struggled and fought with her own emotions and uncertainty over her continued fear that she could never be good enough for this perfect, beautiful woman in her arms, Siren twisted around within her grasp to face her. She was forced to look Siren in the eye as her queen insisted without hesitation that she was also a part of their family. Dalila's ears flicked back uneasily and she glanced away with a frown. It was so hard to shake the mindset that had been so ingrained and beaten into her as a child that she was a slave, a tool, and nothing more. Siren was so incredibly patient and loving with her as her world was turned upside down and she was suddenly placed among these wolves that loved and cared for her, given a family and a title that she didn't feel like she deserved. It was hard for her to see herself as anything more and most certainly didn't feel like she was deserving of being in such a prestigious family like theirs. It was one of the reasons she was so grateful that Rusalka was Chimera's daughter because she knew without a doubt that if anything were to ever happen to her then her daughter would always have family to fall back on and that was something she had never had growing up. She had only ever had her mother and even she was killed when she was very young.

When Siren's delicate paw rested on her cheek and pulled her attention back to her Dalila turned her gaze back to Siren's with a bit of reluctance, the love she saw in Siren's gaze making her heart squeeze in her chest. She listened to Siren's words with disbelief, putting her into stunned silence when she kissed her nose and offered up her name to share it with her. Dalila blinked with surprise, taken aback and touched by Siren's sweet gesture. She knew that at the end of the day it was still just a name, but it was the meaning behind being willing to share her name with her that meant so much to her. For someone like her that had come from nothing it meant everything to be considered part of this family that at one time she would have just watched from afar and would have been considered lucky to serve. She knew that it had been no small thing for Chimera to give the name to Aliana and now for Siren to give it to her...

Happy tears gathered in her pale gaze and her paws lifted up to Siren's cheeks, holding her face gently between her paws with her long fur slipping between her claws as she leaned in to kiss the love of her life with heated passion, pouring the love she had for this woman into her affection. As she closed her eyes the tears rolled onto her cheeks and she kissed her passionately like that for a long moment, her paws tracing back down over Siren's body to wrap around her slim frame, pulling her tight to her with their stomachs pressed together. When she eventually gently slipped away again she blinked open her eyes to look at Siren with adoration, peppering her face with little kisses while her paws traced up and down along Siren's sides.. "I... I had been trying to think of something special to do for you or give you," she explained softly, letting Siren in on where her mind had gone. "I thought about how Chimera had given Aliana the Klein name and how meaningful that felt, but... when I was thinking about giving you my name it didn't feel right. Your name connects all of you and giving you a slave's name isn't good enough." Her ears flicked back shyly and she gave Siren a little smile, leaving a gentle kiss at the end of her nose. "You don't have to give me your name just to make me feel better... I appreciate it more than you could ever know, but I don't want to feel like I've pressured you into it..."

"Dalila Vista Rocha"