
dinner and a surprise



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
02-08-2022, 05:30 AM

Just as Lillith had known she'd wanted to be a mother one day, Romulus had also known he'd one day be a father as well. Children and continuing the bloodline was a vital part of the family-oriented Armadas and had been drilled into their heads by their parents and grandparents from a young age. He knew one day he'd find a pretty girl, settle down and start building a family, raise a bunch of little Armada puppies together. But that had been a one day plan—not a right away plan. Hell, this hadn't even been a plan! Fate and circumstance had conspired to trap him and Lillith in this impossible situation, and now he was devastatingly caught between making a decision he couldn't make. On the one paw, he feared for Lillith's health and safety. His girlfriend had only just gotten strong enough to where she could travel long distances without being fatigued. How on earth would a pregnancy affect her? But on the other paw, those were his children inside of her. Their children. The most sacred thing to his family's beliefs. Considering the alternative almost didn't even feel like an option.

Then there was the legal ramifications of their accident. They had broken Hallows law by conceiving pups without the Aegis' consent. Roman was sure that if he went to Artorias right away and explained the situation and begged for leniency, the alpha would be understanding. He planned on doing that as soon as he could, before word got around to him in another manner. Best to get ahead of this runaway train before it ran off the tracks. But then there was the daunting task of telling Ulric. Gods, how did he even do that?! The Adravendi patriarch had just started to warm up to him, and now he had to go to him and say, "Hey, Ulric! Guess what? I got Lil pregnant. You're gonna be a granddad!" He might as well dig his own grave now.

Lillith answered his question; she wanted to go talk upstairs. Roman nodded, then quietly gathered up their food and began to lead the way back to their room. He would need to make sure Lillith ate, especially since she was eating for... gods, how many puppies would she be carrying? Roman's heart plummeted into his stomach at the idea of being a young father to a large litter. Fuck, he was going to ruin there lives, he was so unprepared! Romulus didn't say a word all the way upstairs, walking beside Lil while they hurried down the corridor and into the privacy of their room. Once they were both in, he shut and latched the door so nobody would interrupt them. He laid their meal out on the table, then took a long drink of wine to chase away his panic with alcohol, and then a second long drink before he turned to face Lillith again. "Pregnant..." he murmured under his breath, still trying to come to terms with it in his mind. A weak chuckle escaped the young brute while he turned steel-silver eyes up to his lover. "We're gonna be parents."
