
there are creatures in the night to haunt you

open for whoever in the pack



3 Years
02-08-2022, 09:10 AM

They were setting about getting settled in. There were predators to be driven out, and borders to be marked. So much work, and all things that Gin herself wasn't particularly suited for. That was fine. She'd set about making preparations for a temporary infirmary instead. If they were going to be looking, specifically looking for trouble, then it was better that the healer was prepared for when they found it.

It was close to their initial meeting spot, though temporary in nature. Gin would set everything back up within the maze once it was safe, and once their roots were properly in place here. Both the Bamboo Maze and the Bay beside it were theirs now... were Hattori's now. He'd spoken of starting a legacy, and Gin was here on the ground floor. The thoughts in her head were starting to feel larger than life, and they were good company as she worked. Dusk came shortly after she started her work, for which the ghost was thankful. She'd trade working in low light for having to contend with the sun.

The healer was careful in the way that she set up. She'd done work to flatten the ground first, so she had an even surface to treat patients. Next came the task of digging a pit to keep a fire in. Grumbling softly to herself, the healer started in on the tough soil. It wasn't long before she hit a rock-- not a small one either. Gin sighed, moving to carefully clear the dirt from each side. Not the largest rock, but certainly not small. The ghost made a face at it, applying her weight to one side, hoping to get it to wiggle in place. Still, it didn't budge-- not yet. Growling softly in frustration, Gin removed more dirt from around the base.