
dinner and a surprise



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-08-2022, 09:18 AM
She almost asked Roman if he would carry her back to their bedroom but as he gathered up their forgotten supplies she quieted. Her mind still spinning as she followed Roman back upstairs. She felt both safe and sounds walking beside Roman and scared out of her wits for what was to come. As she processed what they had been told her mind explored many more possibilities before them. They were going to be parents, despite their best efforts they’d succeeded in the biological race. Far from thinking about giving birth she was still caught up on the next few days.

They had to say something to Artorias, they’d made a mistake and they’d broken the Hallows law. What would their alpha’s reaction be? Would he expect them to terminate… Lil’s whole body shuddered at the thought as they made their way to the top of the stair and followed the hallway leading towards the bedroom. And then she had to tell her Dad. He’d trusted her to be mature and responsible and this accident, twist of fate, mistake… was not indicative of those qualities.

She knew he would say that he’d support whatever decision she made, but that was different than being proud of her. She knew he’d be happy to step into that granddad role but what would he think? She was given the chance to grow and flourish and she’d so quickly failed and messed up. She followed Roman inside and let him close and lock the door behind her as he went to put all of their dinner supplies on the table. While he was distracted with the wine Lillith made a beeline for their bed. Also the place where their trouble started she felt immediate relief as she lifted herself into the plush bed and curled up.

She hugged a pillow to her chest and her garnet gaze hesitantly looked up towards Roman as he muttered to himself in disbelief before he lifted his silvery gaze up to her. She saw the nervous fear within his eyes because she felt it too. His spirits were much higher than hers though, and his hesitant chuckle and smile encouraged her far more than his words did. They were going to be parents.

"We’re going to be parents,” She agreed softly, finally getting a hint of the joy that Syanna had for them. After she processed the hard parts, the challenges they had ahead of them she settled into a dazed amazement. "I’m going to be a mom.” Lil whispered afterwards, feeling her emotions bubble back up as she thought about her childhood without her own mother. Tears filled her eyes and she buried her features into the pillow, she was obviously overwhelmed.
