
Brain too loud to sleep




3 Years
02-08-2022, 12:11 PM
Gin knew all about choosing her own path. She'd left home as barely a yearling, heading out on her own in search of answers. Gods, how she needed answers. A need that was more than just a need. Deeper than a need. It was a need in the same way that the body needs sleep or eat. Curiosity drove her, though the way she'd get her answers was something different. Something else. In choosing her own path, she'd also reinvented herself. Healers are often present in the room when history is made, worlds are changed, yet they're nearly invisible. Though helping others was important, Gin had taken her profession with a bit more selfish intention. She'd chosen her path, and there was nothing wrong with that.

Maybe caring for this pack would improve her sense of self, as well. Maybe. Gin could hope. She was beginning to set up and settle in, as were the rest. Still, her sleep schedule had been rather prohibitive when it came to actually making connections. Those would come eventually. Being social, especially in the early days like this when the pack dynamic is still rocky, was hard. Coupled with the anxiety that she'd developed during the Long Night... yeah, it was hard but not impossible.

But she was still at work, just like the others. Gin had turned up soil for her garden, and it was a question of actually getting plants in the ground now. She'd stashed a few from her nightly explorations within the room that she'd taken within the Maze. Her steps were careful, doing her best not to get lost, as she followed the natural paths within the bamboo. Gin had a clump of lamb's ear clutched within her teeth as she made her way through, but her thoughts were elsewhere. Far and away, elsewhere. It's because of that, Gin nearly walks straight into the girl.

The ghost stumbled to a stop. "Ah, forgive me," Gin briefly sets her plant down to speak, offering a demure smile and a dip of her head. A polite apology, having come too close. She took a singular step back. She studied the woman for a moment, but remained quiet. So many strangers. The ghost in the maze would eventually learn about all of them.