
Reaching Out

Medusa i


5 Years
10-01-2013, 02:04 PM

The serpent would make certain that all defenses were set into place; legs spread equally apart, weight evenly distributed, limbs bent, toes spread, claws trying to bite into the soil for traction, tail flashing out behind her, weight lowering for a better center of gravity, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, head lowered, neck scrunched, jaws parted, eyes narrowed and ears pinning back. Stheno moved away from her, ready to join in when opportunity was given. Her jaws were powerful, potentially dangerous to whatever flesh they managed to grasp, and if Medusa?s little knight wished to join in the serpent would enjoy her presence in the battle.
Her opponent approached, and the harlot prepared. Deteste was to her left (De?s positioning approved by Vivien), and thus she was stuck that way, but it mattered little. The woman came forth, jaws and claws reaching for Medusa?s chest at the same time. The harlot nearly scoffed; wolf claws were not sharp, and wolf fur was long, hers in particular. Claw attacks also weren?t particularly useful in causing bruising, unless aimed at vulnerable areas. In fact, legs were best for forcing one?s weight onto another and tripping others up, or clawing at vulnerable flesh on the belly, thighs, mouth, or throat, or other areas. The chest was not one of these areas. Nonetheless, she would take advantage. Her jaws shot down, aiming to put her head over Canttina?s lowered head (obviously lower, due to the fact that the area upon Medusa?s leg that the other was aiming for was lower than Medusa?s chest, thus placing the paw higher than Canttina?s jaws and giving Medusa the ability to aim for the limb without awkwardness), hoping to clamp down a grip upon the skull-wearing woman?s left front paw (COUNTER, DAMAGE PENDING). She hoped that this would stop the advancement of the woman?s paw, so that it would not be able to touch her and do whatever limited damage the other wished.
She began moving to her own right almost immediately, left paw lifting up and hoping to slam into Canttina?s right elbow, hoping to knock the woman off balance. Her weight readjusted amongst her remaining three legs, but she kept moving to her right, hips pivoting in that direction. Her goal in all of this was to attempt to grip down upon the paw, attempt to twist it awkwardly, and try to break it by hopefully making the yellow-eyed ruler fall flat onto her face. Nonetheless, she was not able to avoid harm; teeth punctured deep into her right upper arm, the flesh ripping free of Canttina?s mouth as Medusa moved, leaving deep tears in her right limb. No grip obtained, but Medusa would not rule a potential second assault against her right front limb, which hurt something fierce, out of her list of possibilities. Nor would she rule other possibilities out, but she was not all knowing. There was only so much the harlot could think about and predict.



ATTACKS: attempting to get a grip on Canttina?s left paw, attempting to move to her own right (Canttina?s left) so that the paw/leg is twisted outward awkwardly, attempting to knock her left paw into Canttina?s right elbow so that she might knock the other over
DEFENSES: legs spread equally apart, weight evenly distributed, limbs bent, toes spread, claws trying to bite into the soil for traction, tail flashing out behind her, weight lowering for a better center of gravity, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, head lowered, neck scrunched, jaws parted, eyes narrowed and ears pinning back.

INJURIES: deep punctures/tears to upper arm