



10-01-2013, 02:13 PM

Nine months had passed since her birth, and the girl was excited. She didn't see herself as a child anymore, despite the fact that she was a mere three-fourths of the size she would eventually become. Her mind had grown vastly in her nine months of life, and she felt like she could solve anything she set her mind to - although that had yet to be tested. A howl would go up from ivory lips, beckoning her mother. Answers were required, and there was nary a wolf she trusted more than her mother. She had been late to the last meeting, and thus had missed most of the information that had been given, not to mention when she had arrived it had been difficult to pay attention and decipher just what was going on. Still, Solaine knew her mother would probably not mind explaining things if she felt it necessary for her daughter to know - and Solaine would make sure that it was necessary. She didn't like being in the dark. Of course, if her mother refused the information - or simply didn't know - next on her list would be her father or Gael, they both seemed to know what was going on. Gael would be more likely to tell her, as her father was protective and often sought to keep her mind innocent to the things of the world. The girl rocked onto her haunches and awaited her dam, bi-colored eyes moving rapidly to catch any sign of movement. To say she was eager would be an understatement.
