
We Got One Thing On Our Minds




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
02-08-2022, 11:45 PM
Azzurra returned every kiss Balthier gave her, mostly giving in to the passion and the hungry desire that Balthier poured into their making out as he held onto her and pressed his hips into her with a familiar need. It felt a bit like she was going through the motions, reacting to him how she always did and clinging to him as she felt like she should. It always physically felt good, but it was sometimes a toss up whether or not she was mentally in the right space for it and right now it was only her body that was wanting him as badly as he was wanting her. Her mind was too preoccupied with the worry that they might fall off the raft, with thinking about how off the wine made her feel, with wondering if this way that her and Balthier were living was good for them or not.

Just as she was finally getting her disjointed thoughts to settle he gripped her around her sides and suddenly rolled her under him so that she was on her stomach on the surface of the raft, his weight heavy over top of her. The movement threw off her equilibrium again and she had to close her eyes while her head spun. Something about the combination of it all was overwhelming and overstimulating, his weight on her and his paws pulling her back into him suddenly felt claustrophobic. It was hard to keep herself from trying to pull away as he nibbled along her scruff, her claws scratching at the wood of the raft under her as she struggled with her own instincts. Part of her wanted to tell him no, to pull away, but another part, an almost louder part, still wanted this. The heat that danced under her skin, the tight need in her core, it was all still there and she still craved what he craved, but it felt strange and strained and she didn't know if that was the wine or the situation itself that caused it.

Even still, when he pressed against her and told her how much he needed her she couldn't bring herself to tell him no. She always still felt like she owed him something for everything he did to care for her and keep her safe and this was the only way she knew how to repay him and make him happy. Her ears flicked with uncertainty as she blinked open her eyes, looking out at the shimmering shore in the distance. She didn't reply, instead just pressing back into him in return, her eyes flickering closed again while she made herself focus on the physical pleasure of it all, allowing that to soothe the other worries while she continued to convince herself that this was all still worth it.

"Azzurra & Balthier"