
We Got One Thing On Our Minds




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
02-09-2022, 12:58 AM
Balthier's paw trailing across her side as he shifted to grip the edge of the raft sent a shiver across her skin and she almost hated how much she liked how all of it felt. There was no denying that she liked the physical act of these moments and the pleasure it brought. That had rung true from their very first time together and the way it made her feel was addictive. Her body revolted against her so often, feeling exhausted and aching with every little advancement she tried to make in herself, and it was nice to have something that actually made her feel better instead of worse. In the moments where she felt lost, sad, hurt by anything she knew if she had a moment like this with Balthier she would at least for a moment be able to ride the high of the pleasure he could give her. It was only the before and the after that seemed to plague them both.

A gasp passed her lips as he joined them together, biting her lip out of reflex even though there was no possible way for anyone to hear them. Her claws gripped at the surface of the raft as well, her mismatched ears folded back against her head while he took her, chasing away anything but the physical pleasure that she loved. She enjoyed the way Balthier reacted when he was taking her and the way he looked at her. That was another big reason she kept doing this kind of thing with him, just for the short period of time where she could savor all of the love he had for her, all of the unbridled affection she saw in his eyes. It was a heady experience that had been made even more intoxicating by the way the world wobbled and spun around her from the alcohol and her lingering exhaustion from her work outs earlier in the day.

Her eyes only flickered open for a moment as the world moved around her again, only realizing that he had moved her again when she noticed that she was looking up at him once more. A breathless sound of pleasure left her as they joined together again. Her head tipped back and her eyes closed once more, her mind helping her to pretend that she was just floating on a cloud as the weightlessness took her over. Shaky, pale paws found him, whether it was the fur on his chest or otherwise she wasn't sure, but she held on to him just to feel like the had something stable to anchor herself to. With the wine, the pleasure, and the rock of the raft on the waves she was having a hard time distinguishing up from down.

"Azzurra & Balthier"