
To The Victor, The Spoils




Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
02-09-2022, 02:33 AM

It came as no surprise to her when Cináed admitted that he'd never been kissed before either, but it didn't matter to her. She was going to give this sweet brute the education of a lifetime, and by the time they were done and he was fully spent, he'd be leaving this den a man capable of loving any fae he laid his paws on silly. She could feel the warmth pooling under his cheeks beneath her paws on his face and knew he was blushing. Virgins were always so adorable with how flustered they got, and Irilyth was reveling in this rare opportunity. Fortunately Ciná showed no resistance when she guided him into their first kiss, and after the first, she felt the tension begin to slowly melt away from him like a piece of ice out in the summer heat. The soft sound he made when their lips first made contact sent a delightful little shiver racing down her back. By the time she'd slipped her tongue into their kiss, Cináed had fully relaxed and given himself up to the experience.

Through heavy-lidded red eyes, Irilyth watched as Ciná's golden gaze slowly slipped closed while he gave in to the new sensations he was experiencing. The young brute began to kiss her back, experimenting at first by just barely moving his lips against hers, and then Iri tasted Ciná's tongue in her maw, drawing a soft murr from the petite fae. Tiny paws stroked feather-light circles over his cheeks, giving him silent praise and encouragement as he found his rhythm. Then Ciná surprised her as he took the initiative and Iri felt one of his massive black paws grasp her by the back of her head, pulling her deeper into their kiss and preventing her from pulling back prematurely while they made out. Irilyth gave a quiet feminine moan into her temporary lover's mouth, her eyelids fluttering shut while she melted against him. Those sandy paws slid from his cheeks down the side of his neck until they were looped around his neck, holding herself to him while her tongue danced with his between their muzzles.

The fire of desire in her belly surged to life, praising Cináed with her sounds while he explored leading by instinct. He was doing very well and was a quick study! Clearly the poor brute had some pent up desires he'd been needing to release with no outlet to do so. Now that she'd shown him that outlet, Irilyth was getting the brunt of everything the horny adolescent had kept inside him for gods knew how long. The golden blonde fae let Ciná take his time exploring the experience of kissing and making out, her tail whipping about excitedly behind her. They had plenty of time with the night being so young to explore and learn all the things he wanted to know, and by the time they were done, the young Fenmyrian warrior would be well acquainted with the pleasures of their bodies. It was only once her lungs began to ache for air did Irilyth begin to gently tug on Ciná's scruff with her paws and claws, giving muffled sounds to alert him that she needed to breathe.
