
Even Servants Need Vacations




Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
02-09-2022, 03:43 AM

Although Irilyth was far from being out of control or blackout drunk, her inhibitions had definitely been lowered, if not removed entirely, by the copious amounts of wine she'd shared with her Mistress. She'd otherwise never have mentioned her previous masters nor the abuses some of them had handed out to her—deserved or not—and she definitely wouldn't have been so forthcoming about the sexual attraction she felt for the Genetrix. After all, it was crass and way above her station as Manea' servant to harbor such thoughts and feelings toward her Mistress. She was expected to serve a purpose, fill a role, and that was her lot in life. It wasn't a lot, but it was hers. Just as she was Manea's from now until her last day, or until her Mistress bid her gone, whichever came first. With her alcohol-loosened lips, Irilyth just let everything spill out that she normally wouldn't though. Her quiet, demure persona had melted away to reveal her hidden thoughts and innermost desires. She likely wouldn't remember much of this night come the morning, but the Irilyth of tonight didn't care for tomorrow's concerns. She only thought of Manea, and how good it felt to be in her Mistress' paws, and how she wanted to kiss every inch of her beautiful, perfect purple body to show her how much she cared for her.

It seemed that what Irilyth had said in her drunken stupor had done the trick to getting just that, as the next thing the inebriated blonde fae knew, she was being scooped up and rolled in Manea's strong embrace until she was perched atop her Mistress' taut, lean-muscled body. Iri blinked in surprise and gazed down into the sultry depths of Manea's aqua eyes, subconsciously leaning into the large leonine paw that stroked her cheek affectionately. Then she felt those powerful feline digits grab the back of her head and she was being pulled down into a deep muzzle-locking kiss with Manea. Irilyth gave a soft sound of surprise, but very quickly melted into quiet moaning when she tasted Manea's wine-laced tongue in her maw. Golden eyelids fluttered over glazed raspberry eyes while Irilyth gave herself entirely to Manea's kiss, her paws gripping and kneading at Manea's chest, desperate to hold herself ever closer and tighter to the larger fae while they made out. When their lips did finally part, Irilyth was gasping and breathing heavily as well, but her rapidly wagging tail betrayed her intense enjoyment of Manea's advances.

By now, Irilyth's entire body felt like it was burning up from the inside. She was sweltering for her alphess, yearning for more affection and love and lust, hungering for it so badly she was nearly reduced to whining. Manea repeated her offer of anything, to which Irilyth just wordlessly nodded her head, still panting softly from their heavy kissing. A small squeak escaped Iri's lips when Manea's strong paw caught her chin, holding her still while she swiped her warm tongue over her nose and sending a quiver down her body to settle beneath her tail. Manea instructed her to turn around, her desire of wanting to have fun with the little fae whilst calling her beautiful causing Irilyth to practically burn up.

The excitement shimmering in her ruby eyes was unmistakable, and the svelte little servant wasted no time shifting her position on top of her alpha, lifting herself up on long, graceful legs to turn about, wobbly from the wine, and settle down with her head resting on Manea's lower belly with her rump presented before her Mistress. Almost as if teasing her, Irilyth shifted and shimmied her hips to get settled more comfortably atop the larger fae, flagging her tail up over her hips and catching the end of Manea's muzzle in a playful flick while she nuzzled and kissed the soft, warm skin along Manea's lower belly, her head resting just between her powerful thighs while her lips kissed where her hind legs met her body. "Is this the fun you desire, Mistress?" she asked with a provocative purr to her lyrics, casting a heated gaze back along the length of Manea's voluptuous body to meet her gaze briefly, waiting for her Genetrix to take the lead and begin their fun.
