
Tasty Treats And New Faces




Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

Pride - Bisexual
02-09-2022, 06:00 PM

The sounds of the carnival have the earthen hued wolf’s ears twitching as she watches the coydog make his tasty treats. For someone who is use to her small tribe, this event is huge step out of her comfort zone and she has to work on not bolting away every time there is a loud noise. Because Athena’s ears are sensitive to all racket around her, she is able to pick out the sound of soft paw steps moving towards her. Ducking her head shyly, the earthen wolf feels the heat of embarrassment flush her cheeks as she realizes that she is taking up space at the stall without having any money to be able to afford the delectable pastries and she quickly moves to make room at the booth.

The man that steps up next to her is tall, his giant frame easily dwarfing her own and Athena finds her eyes moving away from the sweets to silently inspect the handsome wolf. His pelt is fire and earth, red hues stand in brilliant contrast against the darker brown and soft tans of his body. Her amber eyes trail appreciatively across his body, noting the thick cords of muscle underneath the fiery cloak and she is so captivated with her inspection that she misses when he orders two treats. Athena mouth is slightly agape, heart thrumming with nervous energy as she stands admiring the wolf next to her. Suddenly he turns toward her, sea foam green eyes capturing her own amber gaze and he offers Athena a friendly grin.

His rumbling tones catch her attention and dark eyebrows shoot upward as the earthen woman looks down at the offered, paper wrapped pastry, heat flushing her cheeks when she looks back up to those beautiful eyes. She is glad for the fur that hides the flush across her cheeks,  knowing it grows deeper as Athena gazes into green depths that remind her of ocean waves spilling softly across a sandy beach. Her voice breaks the silence that follows his offer, her own tones sound grating after his beautiful, rumbling voice and she fumbles out, “Tha… thank you.” Athena’s gaze softens as she smiles, happiness plainly written in her amber gaze as her tail gives a gently wag. He introduces himself as Ruga and the spell his presence seems to have cast over the earthen wolf finally shatters, and she blinks suddenly realizing what a fool she must look like.

Clearing her throat, she dips her head, shy voice saying, “It is nice to meet you Ruga. My name is Athena.” Another smile, bright with joy and tinted with embarrassment appears as she watches him gather his own sweet into his satchel. Ruga talks about a spot to sit and eat and Athena feels warmth spread inside her chest. The handsome wolf wants to talk to her? Even after she has made a complete fool of herself? Quickly, before the earthen woman can give herself the chance to talk herself out of it, she says, “That would be very nice.” Gathering the paper wrapped pastry to follow the fiery wolf, Athena chides herself silently, question why she doing this. Why is she acting like a pup with a crush, rushing to trip over her own paws just so she can get closer to this wolf? Still, Athena steps up next to Ruga, doubt making her steps falter a moment before she moves to follow after him.

”Speech”  ’Thought’

Athena has a Little Owl companion named Archimedes. He is always nearby.