
Well, alrighty Aphrodite.



3 Years
Extra small

Pride - Demisexual
02-09-2022, 06:04 PM
If Cendrillion could read minds she probably wouldn't have been surprised to find out how often she was mistaken for a pup, though she had been blessed with good proportions she knew she didn't exactly scream old enough to catch her own prey, not that she was actually good at that but that was another issue entirely, it probably wasn't helped by her fluffy coat which tended to engulf her and make her seem more like a sentient fuzz ball than a yearling, so no she would not have been surprised... But Cen couldn't read minds so there was nothing to not be surprised about.

The stranger spoke and Cen lifted her mismatched gaze and properly looked at the other wolf for the first time, she seemed to be around Cendrillion's age, though that was a guess as her contact with other wolves was limited at best, and though the young woman had spent most of her life among wolves who's pelts invoked thoughts of ice or fire she had to admit she had never seen a wolf that looked quite like her. It was like she was looking at the night sky! Cen realized she was staring and averted her gaze, swallowing the lump in her throat but still managing a small smile, the sabers that normally just barely poked out from her upper lips revealed more clearly. "I uh- Thank you." She settled on her haunches though she was no longer standing her posture was clearly not that of a wolf at rest. Her awkwardness was evident in her position. Now what? Did they sit here in silence, was it rude of her not to have introduced herself?

"Oh I'm, Cendrillion... By the way." Well better late than never. Most teenagers were awkward at this age but Cen couldn't help but feel that her isolation through the long night had left her ill-equipped to understand how to properly socialize. Mamman, papa, please help me not to embarrass myself. She thought silently.


Image by Honrin
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

[Image: vLNuVP4.png]