
brave as a noun




3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
02-09-2022, 07:22 PM


She perked up at the mention of defending his home from threats, and a light blush flared up beneath the dark fur of his cheeks. Praise of any kind was foreign and left a strange taste in his mouth. Copper, acid, repugnant and discouraging. Did he really deserve that, in any context? Dark auds tipped towards the young girl as her tone changed, trailing off morosely as she brought up his family life. Pale gaze drifted towards her soft features, still round with baby fat. Oh how he knew that look so well.

"Ah, it's just me and my sister now. My parents died when I was still just a pup, and two of my siblings left us.. quite recently, actually." he admitted softly, gilded brows furrowing as he fought down the sharp pain of loss that arced up his spine and down into his toes. As her small body wormed past his thick forelegs so that she could peer into the drawer that he had just demolished, excitement reading plain as day in the taut pull of her young muscles beneath downy cinnamon fur. Her zest for exploration was clearly more than incidental. A pitchy, excited warning echoed back up to him from the hollow space of the open drawer- and he decided that it was time to move to a different spot. There was no way he would be messing with mystery moulds after the events of the long night, now that he was reminded of their very real threat to his health.

While the girl avidly explained the purpose of her unique face gear, he made sure to keep his body turned towards her as he moved about. It sounded like her eyes were a bit on the weak side, but the work around of adding tempered glass into the mix was decidedly genius. He would never have considered it in the first place, since it was so far out of his realm of experience and education. A thoughtful hum escaped the titan, and he paused in the middle of overturning a damaged office chair to look her way with a raised brow and a small smile. "Your parents sound like pretty smart folks, then." he quipped, keeping his tone light. He was partly trying to cheer up the little wolf, and partly fishing for the truth behind that profoundly mournful tone earlier. If she was indeed an orphan, he wouldn't be able to leave her behind in good conscience.