


10-01-2013, 03:58 PM

Soleil helped sort herbs, kept busy by the task or gathering and sorting as the inevitbale war grew nearer and nearer by the day. She hoped Syrinx was a stern teacher and would hold the pack back from the fight until Valhalla was good and ready. Soleil however could never be ready. Her daughter, son, and husband would all fight. They were able bodied and it was in their blood. Just the thought of it made the mother wish she could run blood transfusions on them all.

A heavy sigh left her, stressed, but she could think on it no more, a sound reaching her ears. It was Solaine, one of youngest daughters, calling to her. A smile lit her features, pleased to know that the growing child still desired her mother's attention. Gael was much the same, now a burly two year old, but Azalea was distant.

The female moved at an even pace toward her child, thankful that she wasn't all the way across Valhalla like she very well could have been. When she saw the bi-eyed female Soleil broke into an easy, motherly smile. "Oh, how I have been blessed with such beautiful children." She said openly, casting her eyes upward to thank whoever might be upstairs.

"Solaine, how are you my dear?" She approached, giving the smaller wolf an affectionate kiss on the cheek. Before too long Soleil would be outgrown, Collision's size seeming to do the trick in making sure that male or female their children were taller than her.

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