
Fancy seeing you here... again

Ike (seasonal)



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Navigator (190)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
02-10-2022, 02:27 AM (This post was last modified: 02-10-2022, 02:28 AM by Remus. Edited 1 time in total.)

He finished polishing up his dagger and was just about to dose out some of the oil form a small jar when his falcon, Nero, alerted him of someone approaching from where he was perched overhead. Remus' ears perked curiously and he lifted his ruby and emerald gaze till it landed on the splattered, speckled form of Ike. A little grin pulled at his lips at the sight of her. He was still half expecting her to not come so when she did it was a pleasant surprise. He didn't think that she was rude or anything like that, he was just a random guy that she had met one time and hadn't seemed all that interested in at that so if she had ignored his call he would have understood. She was here though and he was glad to see her again. He shifted to sit up on his haunches to greet her, giving her a friendly grin. "Hello to you as well," he said in reply with a little nod of his head. She earned a light laugh from him at her comment about him not being in mortal danger this time and he gave her a cheeky grin, replying, "Well, not yet at least. The day is still young."

He couldn't help but notice that she still seemed a bit uncomfortable with forced smiles and he couldn't quite tell if that was just how she was with everyone or just him in particular. It was hard to say since he hadn't actually seen her around anyone else and really their interactions had been pretty limited thus far, but he was still curious about her. The crown princess of a pack with the most unique, beautiful appearance he had ever seen... He couldn't resist at least trying to get to know her. "I was just in the area and I had stopped to do a little maintenance on my armor," he told her with a wave of his paw to the dagger and bracers that were laid out in front of him, "so I figured I'd at least say hello." He smiled and nodded to the spot beside him, adding, "Of course if you're not doing anything right now I'd love the company while I finish this up."

He didn't wait to see if she took his invitation before he went back to applying the oil to one corner of the cloth, though he did keep her in the corner of his eye. "Maybe you could tell me a bit about Ashen while I work?" he offered curiously. She had offered to tell him more about her pack the last time they met and he was genuinely curious about what kind of pack she came from. He had gotten a taste of what The Hallows was like while he was visiting with Roman so he wondered how Ashen compared to the castle dwelling pack. Meanwhile his navy tipped paws started to rub the oil into the leather of his bracers that had a holster for his dagger, continuing to work while she spoke.

WC: 521
Total: 1372/1500

"Remus Armada"