
Lover's Quarrel


10-01-2013, 04:50 PM

Song spoke more than Aurora did, so she was not surprised when the pearl woman's voice began to fill her auds almost instantly. The ivory dame had felt the tension as well, but she did not have anything to protect other than herself, so she did not worry like her friend did. Though that didn't mean the mention of the danger mounting outside their borders didn't raise the temptress' hackles for a brief moment. "Gladly, I would love to sharpen my own skills as well, for I fear they've become rusty after all these years without my daily training." She told Song, her voice trailing off as she remembered how her pack was training her to be an assassin.

Standing, she shook out her fur and stretched, first lifting her rear and letting her ebony claws dig into the terra, then reversing the motion and splaying her toes.
Regaining her regal stance once more, she watched her friend. Clearly she was antsy, ready to get started. Aurora was up for a spar as well, but she knew the dangers of winter, and decided to ask for an agreement that would be highly beneficial. How about we agree not to break the skin here, because even the tiniest of wounds in winter could doom anyone to starve. She said, her voice speaking of wisdom, for she had been through such a thing in her time without a pack. Standing calmly, she waited for the woman's response.

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