
the only one



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
02-10-2022, 09:39 PM

He looked at her with a bit of surprise when she said the dinner he saw in front of them was part of her appreciation for him and then pointed out a gift she had for him as well. He never felt like he needed anything in return for the things he did for her. She was his last remaining sister, his biggest supporter, the one wolf that had made him feel like he could truly be himself, and had helped him give himself permission to live the life he wanted. Everything he did would forever be a tribute to her because of that. Even still, the display of her appreciation to him touched his heart and made a thankful smile pull across his lips. "You didn't have to do all of this," he insisted, leaning his shoulder into hers. He was still getting used to all these changes his body had suddenly decided to go through, but it was weird to lean into her and no longer be as close in size to her as he used to be.

Plague turned his attention to the gift that she had put in front of him, his talons carefully lifting away the corners of the beautiful silk wrapping to reveal the even more beautiful bracelet hidden inside. He looked at it in awe as he carefully picked it up to examine it more closely, quickly picking up on what the four beads that adorned it represented. Ruby and onyx for his children that took strongly after Rava and one special marble bead for his little Seere. "Venom..." he breathed, completely speechless as a huge smile pulled across his lips and tears started to gather in his emerald gaze. He carefully slipped the bracelet onto his leg, grinning when he saw how the colors of the bracelet itself and the breads that sat on it played off of his pale fur. She knew that his children were his biggest joy and now he had a little token of them to always carry with him.

"Thank you," he told her with his voice thick with emotion as he shifted to wrap his forelegs around her neck, hugging her close as he thought about how grateful he was to have her in his life. "This is so thoughtful and beautiful... I love it so much." As he settled back into his spot beside her again he looked down at the bracelet again, his tail wagging gently and a grin crossing his lips as he thought about how the pups might react when he showed it to them. They loved their aunt nearly as much as he did so he was sure they would think it was very cool since it came from her. "I bet Seere will love that she got a special marble bead," he commented with a chuckle, gently spinning the bead with one of his crystal talons.

Plague Abraxas-Destruction