
dinner and a surprise



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-11-2022, 09:55 AM
Lillith was scared most of all, that feeling drove and manipulated her reasoning and the trail of her thoughts. She knew the basics of reproduction and the process she was going to go through, those facts frightened her incredibly. The physical aspect was terrifying but more than that was the challenge of raising young puppies. What if she wasn’t a good parent? What if she screwed something up and her children were forced to deal with that mistake for the rest of their lives? What if something happened to them? There were a million what ifs that haunted her. Lil queezed the pillow tightly as she tried to banish the thought. If she thought too much about the future she’d become completely overwhelmed.

Despite all of those terrible thoughts there was one that brought warmth and joy, however obscured by fright it was. As Roman joined her there on the bed it became more real, the two of them wrapped around their own little family. Something of their own making that had nothing to do with the world outside. They were completely unprepared and this was so unexpected she found herself struggling to embrace that perfect picture that was being painted. Roman’s soft touch caressed her side and settled against her still flat stomach and with that touch brought her peace from the fear and terror facing her.

She leaned back into Roman’s embrace, shifting slightly so she could hold tightly to him. His sweet voice soothed her as he spoke the words again and she slowly processed and accepted what was ahead of them. She remained fearful, but she saw hope and she heard the subtle enthusiasm in Roman’s whisper. He was going to be the father of her children, and he was sure that she was going to be a great mother. Lillith wanted to believe him and embrace this future they were given by fate.

Roman paused slightly, then continued quietly and asked her if this was the path she really wanted. They didn’t have to go through with this obstacle. Lilith froze there in his arms as he offered the alternative. Even with all the fear and uncertainty facing her Lil couldn’t stomach the thought. "Yes.” She said simply and with little hesitation. Lillith knew that even facing banishment from the Hallows she would have them.

A smile, a real smile, played across her features as she fully accepted the situation. None of this was going to be easy, but she was up for the challenge. She had Roman to support, help, and love her through every difficult bump. "You are going to be a pretty dopey dad.” She agreed with a soft chuckle as she was ab;e to break through the screen of fear that plagued her. "It’s such a strange concept, I can't wrap my head around it.” She confessed softly as she looked up to him, "I couldn’t…” couldn’t do anything. "I couldn’t without you.”
