
I'm bad as bad can be




Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

02-12-2022, 04:22 AM
She slowed and skittered to the side as Víðarr dropped down from above, shoving it firmly to the ground with a loud thud that almost shook the ground itself. The ram flailed and cried out, every movement screaming desperation, but Iðunn simply slowed to a stop and watched with heaving breaths, tail lashing at her ankles. He found purchase on the back of its neck, and she swiftly moved in a semi-circle, head lowered with silently bared teeth to await an opening in the flailing legs. His bite alone wouldn't be enough to kill it, and she would welcome the opportunity to do it herself.

Like a snake she darted forward, jaws clamping firmly at the delicate flesh of its throat without so much as a growl. She was for the most part a silent killer, only making noise when she needed to scare the prey or announce her presence, but in this instance majority of the work was done already. Blood spurted forth from the wounds as she wrenched her head to the side, feeling flesh tear. The sheep gurgled below her, legs become more still with each moment that passed until finally it moved no more. It was only then she let go, relishing in the dripping of blood down her chin.

Her icy blue gaze lifted up to Víðarr then, eyes alight with an unusual delighted expression, marred only by the furring of her brows at the obvious blook leaking from underneath an eye. Of course he couldn't go one damned hunt without suffering an injury, but she supposed that's what she was there for. She couldn't expect him to be ruthless and careful, after all.

"If you lose an eye I'm telling Sanngriðr it was all your fault," she said with a soft huff, lips twitching up just slightly in the smallest of smiles. Iðunn was only half teasing, very much willing to go through with her threat if it came to it.

Hunting 3/3
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish