
Destiny and Chance


10-01-2013, 05:23 PM

He knew of the tensions between his home now, and what was once his home, Tortuga. One of Isardis's own children, had left Glaciem and taken over Tortuga, but that hadn't stopped him from seeking out the lands again where he had been borne. He did not come to seek entry, no, the yearling was happy in Glaciem, rather he came, interested to see what had become of any of his siblings, as they had lost track of each other such a long time ago. He barely remembered them, they hadn't been that old when their parents vanished. Where would they have found themselves or perhaps he was the only one left?

Arriving at the borders, he swallowed down his feelings of uncomfortableness, and came to a halt, a respectful distance away. Knowing full well, the alpha would be well in his rights to send him home, he tilted his head out letting out a deep baritone call, calling to see if any of his siblings would actually answer him, wondering if any of them remembered him, as vaguely as he remembered them. Settling back on his hauhces, he stared into the forest, his one good eye, looking deep into the forest, a cool wind brought a shiver down his spine, causing his fur to fluff up to provide some protection from the desolate air.
