
What Now [Bog]



2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
02-13-2022, 01:59 AM

There was no wasting of time, from that first question Áskell let out a soft breath and launched into what could only amount to a month's worth of bottled up inner turmoil. Sparsely furred auds shoved forth as the petite swamp dweller plodded the last few steps to close the distance between himself and the larger male. Moving away? A soft whine passed inky lips as Áskell emphasized just how great the distance between them would become soon enough, punctuated by an audible inhale. Best not to interject, this was obviously important. Let him get all of it out, and then respond. No impulsive words, Bog. The offer to join the group moving south was tempting, but only for the split second that followed his verdant gaze lifting to watch the anxiety play across Áskell's face. No, he wouldn't leave his family. Nor would he leave his home in the swamps, at least not now. Finally, the big question. What would become of them? Their relationship, still new and fleeting and full of emotion.

Bog dropped his rump unceremoniously to the ground, heedless of the sucking mud that immediately wormed its way into his coat. Emerald eyes drifted to his paws, to Áskell's, not ready to meet those mismatched eyes. What a strange twist, after the events of the long night. "I... I can't leave th' family. I'm sorry." he admitted quietly, finally lifting his gaze to his boyfriend's. All of the usual mirth and vigour that sparkled in his eyes was absent, instead full of the solemn resignation that came from growing up fast. "I'd be glad t' come and visit ya, drop by once a season'r so. Spend a handful'a days distracting ya from yer duties, of course." the mud caked wolf added with a weak smile, auds half pinned towards his skull.

The meagre nub of his tail wriggled in the mud, an outlet for nerves that he could hardly recognize. Impulse bade him move, and so he did. Leaning forward, he sought to press his features into the thick, soft fur of Áskell's neck and lean against him. Shoulder to shoulder, just soaking up his presence. "To tell ya the truth, I didn't think this'd be what we talked 'bout the first time we saw each other again after the sun came back." he quipped softly, not quite able to put his whole heart into the joke.

”Speech” ‘Thought’