
dinner and a surprise



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
02-13-2022, 02:02 AM

Lillith leaned into his touch when he went to embrace her, wrapping her own paws around his body to hold herself tight to him. She seemed so sullen, so afraid, that for a moment Romulus was expecting her to take him up on his offer. He wouldn't have blamed her in the least. Staring down the barrel of an unplanned pregnancy after the life she'd lived and her slowly improving condition was a daunting and impossible thing. But as she often did, Lillith Adravendi shocked him by not even hesitating when she said she wanted to keep their pups and raise a family. Roman's eyes widened and his mouth hung open, taken completely aback. She actually wanted to start a family with him. Then she smiled—a genuine, real smile—and Roman felt his heart melt. The corners of his mouth twitched upward in a little smile while he chuckled in disbelief, which slowly turned into an incredulous laugh when she agreed he was going to be a pretty dopey dad.

Roman didn't know what to even say for a long while. Lil had agreed to bear their children, to have his pups. This moment still didn't feel real, but in the aftermath of all the panic and fear, all he could feel was a loopy sort of giddiness and anxiousness. They were going to be parents! He had helped create the next generation of Armada wolves. His parents and grandfather would've been so happy to hear! "I know. It... It still doesn't feel real to me," he agreed when she mentioned the concept of them being parents felt strange. Molten steel met shimmering garnets in the low light of their room, gazing lovingly into the depths of her eyes. "You don't ever have to worry about that," he said with such resolution in his voice. His slate-dipped paw drifted up her body from her flat stomach to caress her cheek, guiding her muzzle to his with gentle insistence to kiss her long and slow. When their lips parted, he whispered softly again them, "I'm never letting you go. Remember? Never."

And he meant it. The words he'd whispered to her in the snuggled aftermath of their impassioned lovemaking that had created their family had been more than just sweet pillow talk. It had been a solemn vow from his soul to hers. He would never let her go. He would do whatever it took to take care of her—and now their children as well. He wouldn't allow Artorias to throw them out of the Hallows to raise their children in the wild lands. He would speak to the alpha first thing in the morning and beg for leniency and understanding. If he refused, then he would challenge the alpha for his family's right to stay. Even if it meant his own banishment—or if it came at the cost of his life—he would make sure his family was cared for and protected. "Y'know, I bet they're all gonna be as beautiful, smart, and kindhearted as their mother is."
