
A Long Time Coming


10-01-2013, 05:34 PM

Regrettably enough the king's mind began to blur with all of things he had said and continued to think about. He would soon be brought back to reality as members began to chime in, more than he had expected. Often in pack meetings the wolves remained silent and left when things were through, but it seemed Seracia had rallied and actually wanted to be a part of the meeting - he was most pleased. Kamala spoke up after his wife reiterated his desire to know about Glaciem. The sister wanted to mentor a pup, marvelous! ?Of course, sweet sister. Perhaps one of Bronze and Silent's children would benefit from your knowledge?? Kamala would of course be there for his own children, and he would feel selfish if he asked her to mentor one of her own nieces or nephews. An eye cast to Bronze and Silent, and their bubbling family. ?I'll let you three sort those details out for yourselves,? Bronze and Silent would no doubt know which pup would benefit most from Kamala's mentoring.

Crucible came then, letting loose a truth that Maverick had not expected. He was the child of Crusade. ?Your family are very near and dear to my heart, Crucible. Any information you can give me would be greatly appreciated - both of the current state of Glaciem, and of your kin." Maverick desired to know all that he could, not to mention learn of the Snow Rogues' fate. ?Stick around and we'll talk.? He would dismiss the boy for the time being, though as soon as the meeting was over he would surely wish to hear from him. Dragon spoke up next, letting on that he knew multitudes of what was going on with Glaciem and.. Valhalla? That was a new and unexpected twist. The King's tail would sweep to the side, attempting to caress his wife gently to let her know he was here. She would likely be upset by hearing what was to come. ?Speak, if you please. It would benefit us all to know of such things.? Aeil spoke up next, thanking the King for her promotion and nominating Dragon as a mentor. It seemed that the man had interest in mentoring Cassius. For a moment the King would falter, uncertain of the man's reputation - but Aeil seemed confident in his abilities. Cassius was a tender child, one who was easily influenced and certainly shy.. perhaps a bit of socialization would do him well. ?I trust your judgement, Aeil.? He would turn to Dragon, ?If my son will have you, then I welcome you aboard.? It was up to Cassius now.

Destruction came then, a face he hadn't seen in some time. At least she was still around, he thought as she began to speak. She wanted to mentor a pup. He found this curious, as she was rather reclusive, but he would not deny her if she were willing. ?I admire your willingness to educate our youth. Speak with Bronze and Silent, they would surely love to have you teach one of their young.? There were still several children left, two of his own, and two of Bronze and Silent's.. but he knew that all would be taken care of in time. Loccian came then, speaking of wanting to mentor. A smile creased his face, ?It would be an honor to have you mentor Amalia, if it pleases you both.? He cast a glance at his daughter for any sign of objection. Loccian was perhaps one of the dearest members he had, it was only right that his daughter be mentored by such a marvelous woman.

That left Quintus, Arian, and whatever two Bronze and Silent pups were left after Kamala and Destruction made their choice. ?If anyone else wishes to mentor you can speak now or get with me at a later time, I am hoping to have all of Seracia's youth mentored by the older wolves.? Tahlia's children would be coming soon.. and it seemed that there might always be more children than mentors. ?And if mentors wish to take on a second pupil, you may do so.? He would fall silent then, intent upon letting his pack do the talking - if they chose to.
