
honor thy mother

Nirvana I


2 Years

02-13-2022, 09:21 AM

She hadn’t seen Manea, not yet. It was Alastor that had greeted her when she’d appeared in the rock garden, and he’d been warm about it. Nirvana was pleased with that, because of course he’d remembered her. Who wouldn’t? It was nice that he really was the soulmate that her aunt thought he was. He’d stayed around, they’d had children, and it seemed like they’d get a good childhood. Her aunt had done well with her, and Nirvana figured she’d been good practice. Now she’d raise her own children, and they’d be… they’d be better for it.

With an ache in her chest, Nirvana’s thoughts turned to her own mother. Would Kallisto be proud of who she was becoming? Would her mother be proud of how strong she was, how fast she was, how deadly she was becoming? It would be two years soon. Two years since her mother had left this world and returned to their ancients. Two years since her body had returned to the earth. Two years since Nirvana was born, and two years since she’d starved the world of her mother. Was it her fault? Was all of this her fault?

As she got older, Nirvana found her feelings on the whole situation to be more and more complicated. Guilt was a foreign notion, especially for a girl who had it in her head that she could rule the whole world. No, this was a different breed. She’d taken her mother’s place on this earth, that had to be it. A complete soul within her… was it her mother’s very own? Nirvana’s head was still spinning with too many different thoughts on the matter. Later, she’d need to get Manea’s guidance. For now, it’s her mother and her mother alone on her mind. For a woman that she’d never gotten a chance to know, for a relationship she’d never been able to have, Nirvana’s heart ached.

There’s the thought again– would she be proud of me? Would Kallisto be proud of the woman that Nirvana would soon grow into? Would she be proud of the girl’s strength, of the lionhearted courage that lived inside her? Would she be proud that Nirvana, at only a year old, had survived on her own while she was exploring? Would she be proud of the way that she’d pulled through disease, through the crystalline capping on her bones, all by herself? Nirvana would never say it, but the approval of her mother would have meant the world to her. If only she could see her now. If only they could fight side by side. If only it was her mother that could oversee her learning.

Nirvana got the idea in her head as she thought about the woman. As she thought about who Kallisto would, or had been to them. She’d do something to honor the woman, she’d do something to honor her memory. She’d do something to honor the woman who brought her into this world, and the one that she’d unwittingly taken away from them all. Nirvana couldn’t still the ache between her ribs, not today. The best way to sate the despair was to put herself to work. Do something useful. Do something that would honor the memory of her mother, now departed from this world.

With a keen eye and a long step, Nirvana took off. Her gait was confident, self assured. Competent. There would be no questioning the competency of the girl, especially as she finished growing. As she grew into herself. At least she has that going for her. Maybe Nirvana was still figuring out all of the things she was, and all of the things she could be, but at least she knew that there was a brand of greatness in her veins that wouldn’t be tamed, and wouldn’t be held back. She couldn’t and wouldn’t be tamed, held back, or caged. No, Nirvana was as wild as they come. As wild as they’d ever come. Sharper than imaginable, and smarter too. In her mother’s honor, the predator took off. Swift of foot, keen of eye. Dripping confidence. Truly, Nirvana was a force to be reckoned with. A force, and today she was on a mission.

It wasn’t long before she caught the scent of the bear. A grizzly, from what she could tell. Something that would spell danger for her family nearby. A good test of her own skill. She’d put herself to the test, and she’d honor her mother. With every breath in her lungs, she’d honor Kallisto. Nirvana swore to it, and swore by it. On the trail of the grizzly, Nirvana remained. Gauntlets secured tightly in place, the girl was going to show that she knew how to use them. Strong, sharp, and brilliant. The only thing in her head is honoring her mother, and making her proud. Her thoughts were loud, sure, but not too loud. She wouldn’t be distracted or deterred.

The bear came into view as Nirvana rounded a corner. He stood by the side of the water, fishing. She moved swiftly, but a shift in the breeze kicked up, and it was clear the predator saw her around the time she saw him. The creature’s great, broad head swung, and it tried to strike before Nirvana could even reach him. Cleverly, she dodged out of the way, gaze burning. A rough laugh cursed through her chest. No, she wouldn’t be caught so easily. The creature had great, broad paws. Unfazed and unafraid, Nirvana fixed the bear with a glare. Her lips raised to reveal glinting, pearly white teeth.

The dance between predators is one that’s underrated at best. Nirvana dances with the bear, ultraviolet gaze sparking. There’s no telling the violence she’s capable of, and the way in which she sinks her teeth into the creature’s flesh brings her to life. Everything about her is lively, brilliant, wonderful. She’s wonderful. Strong. Too strong. There would be no use in arguing that fact. With a zealot in girl’s clothing. Though the bear’s great paws make contact with her sides, trying to throw the yearling, she doesn’t yield. She’d never yield, not to the predator or anyone else.

Blood in the air, both hers and the bear’s. Still, Nirvana comes away from the act victorious. She’s panting heavily and staggering on her feet, but she’s done it. The grizzly falls to the ground. The only thought in Nirvana’s mind is her mother, hoping in her heart of hearts that the woman would be proud if she could see. Everything that the girl would do from here on out was in her honor. Living at all would be in her honor. Every beat of her heart, every step she took, every decision she made– all of it. With a proud smile on her lips and a wound on her head slowly leaking blood, Nirvana curled up beside the carcass and fell asleep.