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Intermediate Hunter (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
02-13-2022, 06:17 PM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2022, 09:14 AM by Macabre. Edited 2 times in total.)

Macabre was changing as well, even if it wasn’t nearly as apparent as his larger siblings. While they all had their own massive growth spurts, the speckled child was growing at his own pace. What he lacked in height he made up for in power. He wasn’t bone-thin, or stringy. His form instead packed a punch, muscle brimming beneath the chaotic cow-pelted fur that hung nicely over his flesh. Luminescent silver eyes scanned the area as the day gave way to dusk, signalling the nocturnal rise of the boys’ mother and their family. He didn’t get much sleep, nor did he feel the need to. He was up during the day and during the night, with scattered naps in between. Yet he functioned better than ever. The news of Recluse marrying the guy he sparred, Eraithus, didn’t really shake him like it did Ghoul. He knew his sullen, rose-pelted brother was attached to their mother quite a bit, and the news of her loving someone else and seemingly leaving the siblings to go off on their own didn’t sit well with him. He supposed a ‘good’ sibling would support him by talking it out or whatever, but he barely had any notion of emotions, or any empathy for that matter. So the only thing he thought of to help his brother was to spar him! Keeping a tally was something they did but all in good fun.

As the familiar yet deeper voice rang out to him, the speckled boy turned to see Ghoul sauntering over. Unlike his sibling’s pack of white caimans, Mac had a pair of dark-pelted creatures, a Tasmanian Devil and antlered silver fox - both of which stared with soulless bright eyes. "Hey Ghoul!" He rumbled, his own voice beginning to obtain an eerie gravelly undertone. Lips spreading to his signature wide grin, the manaiacal boy’s tail wagged as his pink brother crouched down and playfully snarled, inviting Mac to a tousle. If that’s what he wanted, then he’d gladly indulge him. "I’m readier than ever, you’ll see!" He called out, a bright chuckle floating off his lips as he said so.

Without skipping a beat, the smaller boy whipped his body forward, legs churning to swiftly pivot him to his right side and grab hold of his brother’s left front leg, yanking it firmly but not painfullly. If successful, his smaller size yet decent heft would force Ghoul to waver on his feet.

Macabre vs Ghoul for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: Under 1 year
Size: Medium
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Bracers with switchblades
Companion 1: Tasmanian Devil, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Fox with Antlers, Male - Battle
Skills: Expert Fighter & Intermediate Intellectual

i’m evil to the core!—
what i shouldn’t do i will
they say i’m emotional—
what i want to save i’ll kill