
Life Happens When You Are Awake



"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
02-13-2022, 11:44 PM
Ricin looks at his brother, the words that flow from him seem to come with an almost supernatural ease. Chade remains quiet, emotions flickering across his features in subtle, almost unnoticeable waves. The minuscule twitching of certain groups of muscles let the lighter boy read the pain of the situation in his brother, the doubt that their father is proud of Chade and finally, the understanding of it all. Most wolves would not be able to read these small signs but Ricin is the other half of Chade. Because of this, the brothers know each other almost better then themselves.

The final words fade away into the early morning hours, the soft echo their den gives, reverberates the promise back at the brothers. When the soft smile appears on his brother’s lighter lips, it feels like the dawn breaking after a dark night. A small, bright smile answers Chade’s as the darker pup stands to nudge Ricin’s muzzle. The smile grows as his brother speaks, the fact that Chade still has faith in him only endears the lighter boy to his brother even more. When Chade finishes speaking, Ricin dips his head in understanding, the smile he wears as bright as ever.

For a moment, he just looks at the other half of his soul, the knowledge that Chade will never leave him lifting the sad boy’s heart. Clearing his throat, Ricin says, “I love you Ny. And dad loves you too. This might sound crazy but dad visited me in a dream last night Ny. He wanted me to give you something.” Reaching a paw behind his back, the lighter pup maneuvers the small gift in between them, the small square of cloth tied loosely with a strip of leather. Light tail wags as he looks up to Chade, waiting for his brother to open the gift.

Only when Chade has revealed the small emerald stone set in gold, does Ricin explain. Eyes look at the green stone hanging from a golden chain as he says, “Dad visited this island years ago, Ny. He told me so. He buried that necklace at a specific spot because he planned to bring the true love of his life here, later.” Ruby gaze slowly pulls up to meet Chade’s eyes and a small smile appears as he explains, “Ny, mom wasn’t the love of his life… we were. He loved us all. He isn’t mad at you. He isn’t even mad at me. He is proud that we made it here. Dad wants you to wear this as a reminder of his love… of the love we both have for you.”

Reaching a paw out to place it on top of Chade’s, Ricin finishes, “Nothing you could ever do would make us love you any less.” A gentle smile rests on Ricin’s lips as he looks from Chade to the necklace, hoping his brother understands the deep importance of this object.
