
tell me about it




Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-14-2022, 09:52 PM

Getting up and about was a feat Lae could never take for granted again. Every day, she could take one step further without help. She could slowly ease off her own bed, she could view the world once again from her normal height (granted, she wasn’t tall to begin with, but it made a difference not being confined to a wagon or bed). Even so, her progress was slow, something she understood based on how long she’d been bedridden, but it was understandably frustrating at times. Mel had to still half-hoist her down the three flights of stairs that she’d taken today to the courtyard, the day being decently dry despite Auster’s near constant summer rain. The bright sky gave way to the muted warm tones of dusk, revealing the chirping of crickets and the last chirp of the bords that perched on the courtyard’s beimming flora.

Laeta shuffled to the yard’s clearing, her steps clearly steadier but her balance still uneasy. Her strides would quicken ever so slightly - yet still stumbled over her toes as Mel hurriedly rushed to her side again - as she wished to reach the quieter, more private areas of the garden, beneath an awning of various vines and brambles. Flowers of pinks, oranges, and reds spotted the dark green mass over the grassy path upon which she finally came to sit, her joints popping softly as she did so. Her arthritis was improving with Deion’s treatments, but it would never fully resolve. Some damage was not about to be unwound.

”My lady, you should be careful on your feet! Y-you’re improving each day, no doubt, but your strength will return in time..just not right now,” Mel said softly to the woman, beady monocled eyes glancing up with furrowed brow to match. Laeta merely smiled. She’d barely spoken a word to him the whole journey down to the yard, partially because the badger was so in tune to being her crutch that she need not prompt him aloud. Still, she owed him just enough reassurance.

”Sorry, Mel. I just wanted to see the garden at this time of day. It’s lovely, isn’t it?” She said comfortingly, glancing up towards the beauty of the gardens. She felt someone was coming her way, and heard it too, amidst the chirps, buzzes, and clicks of the summer creatures. Times were good now, everyone was healing..but it never hurt to open up about how rough the healing process could be.

”Speech” ’Thought’

comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.