
five AM on the bathroom floor from the night before


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
02-15-2022, 02:37 AM

It was such a delicious rush of taboo when Artorias' drunk mind perceived where he was in a brief moment of clarity. Pinned beneath his muscular brother, wrapped up in his paws, with Grimshaw's lips on his and their bodies joined at the hips, out in the gardens where anyone could see... It thrilled and excited the usually composed Aegis. Perhaps he was going through a bit of a rebellious phase, or a far kinkier part of himself was being unlocked, but the idea of him, an alpha, being pinned down and fucked like this out in the open set his body ablaze. Briefly he wondered if this was how Briar felt when he was dominating her, this feeling of being totally within his lover's control and at the mercy of the pleasure he was drowning him with. It was intoxicating, just like Grim was. He felt his brother's moan into their kiss when he began to move their bodies, his tongue sparring with the other man's between their mouths while he moaned and whined his pleasure for Grim to hear. His paws scrabbled over the dire brute's neck, combing his claws through the thick fur there desperately seeking purchase to hold onto him while Grimshaw rocked his body back and forth.

It was such a heady and intense experience for Artorias, and the brute found his fiery eyes rolling back in his head when Grim slowly pressed their hips together and eased them into their first coupling together. Art felt Grim pull back from their kiss, then felt the man's sharp teeth catch his lower lip, tugging on it in an erotic way and giving it a small slice, just a quick flicker of pain amongst the pleasure that made Artorias give a gasping groan. He wasn't delicate by any means and quite enjoyed the way Grimshaw was just doing whatever he felt like doing to him. A blue paw slid its way up the back of Grim's neck to caress the back of his head while his brother kissed the corner of his lips, then to his cheek, then jaw, and further down until he was at his neck again. Once more, Art found his head tipping back on reflex to Grimshaw, giving him full access to his vulnerable throat in a complete show of trust. Grim's lips searched around for a bit—and then they pressed to a sensitive spot right over his carotid where his thrumming pulse was the strongest. Art's reactions were immediate; paws gripped Grim's head and neck, and breathy gasps and groans fell freely from the alpha's panting mouth. In his heightened state of desire, everything Grim did felt intensified a thousandfold, those teeth against the hot spot on his throat included, causing him to squirm and wiggle his hips more eagerly against his lover's.

Grim's paw released his hips and Art felt it press to his chest with sharp claws gripping at his skin, sending tingles erupting across his chest. His body quivered and tensed while he gave a growl of delight under his breath, bringing his own muzzle to one of Grim's ears to tease while he teased the Aegis' throat. Careful nips of sharp teeth and a slow lick of his tongue over the edge of the soft appendage were applied in time to his brother's actions, every kiss and nip from Grim met with a lick and nip from Artorias. The paw on his chest moved, snaking up to wrap around his neck in a passionate embrace while he found a rhythm with his rolling hips, and once more Artorias' eyes disappeared to the back of his skull while he serenaded Grim with lecherous moans for his actions. His panting breath was hot and short against Grim's ear, letting him hear every little sound he drew from him with his muzzle against his throat and his hips' movements.

Artorias noticed when Grimshaw stopped, pausing long enough to shift his weight from one foreleg to the other before continuing. Except the alpha didn't give him that opportunity. With a sly grin, Art wrapped his hind legs around Grim's waist and grabbed the other man around his chest, then threw his weight to the side when Grim switched forelegs, toppling him and rolling them so he was now on top of his brother. Artorias sat up then, grinning down at Grimshaw while he straddled his waist. He took only a moment of gazing at Grim, illuminated by the silvery moonlight that lit up his argent eyes, before taking control. Both paws pressed firmly to Grim's chest, his claws seeking purchase in his skin to keep him held down while Artorias pressed his hips back into Grim's until he'd rejoined them together with a sharp gasp and shuddering moan from the alpha. Smoldering amber eyes stayed locked on Grim's face, watching his every reaction and expression while Art began his own slow roll of his hips on top of the other man, flexing his toes on his forepaws to scratch his claws across Grim's chest while Artorias found a rhythm.

Not one to be outdone, Artorias gave a lustful growl down at Grimshaw amidst his breathy cries of passion, showing that even though he was pleasing Grim, he had taken charge now. As a further assertion, Artorias slowly slid his body down to rest across Grim's, his claws raking leisurely up until they were wound around his brother's neck once more, except this time, Art placed a long, languid lick up from the other brute's chest to the hollow of his throat. Then he growled against the tender skin there, pressing his lips in firm kisses along the side of Grim's throat, following his pulse with heated kisses and nips of his fangs in time with every roll and push of his hips.

"Artorias Carpathius" | "Carpathian" | "Corbin" | "Argent"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.