
I Stilla Natt

barghest <3



6 Years

02-15-2022, 04:05 AM
Not quite unhinged, but she'd be there soon. If she had to wait much longer, she'd be there soon. There was something in her system that needed to be out. More and more, the valkyrie felt like an animal caged. The worst kind of feeling. It wasn't even that things were bad here. No, things were good. Things were better than they had been in a long time. Things were good... why did she feel trapped? Why did she wake up reeling in the middle of the night? Why did she feel like this? Were they still being hunted? No. That wasn't it. Maybe it's that there isn't enough danger. Too much for too long... and it becomes an addiction. Sanngriðr had spent her entire lifetime looking over her shoulder. It was all she knew. Maybe that's why she felt as she did.

He growled, shattering the plate glass wall that her thoughts had formed within her head. There was no menace to it, no, and it was almost comforting. He'd only just joined them, but there was no pushing away the notion that his company was welcome. Even when Sanngriðr found herself wanting to be away from her siblings, wanted space from her family... no, it seemed that this didn't apply to Barghest. Her amber gaze remained steady, peering at the much taller man as he came to stand by her side. Curious. "You're awake," it's an observation. Sanngriðr's tone lacked the usual chill, replaced with something... something else. Something subtle. The valkyrie would pretend that her pulse didn't pick up with Barghest so near.

A hunt... a fight. Her bones ached for the thrill of it, for the violence. It wasn't just an ache, but a need. Overwhelming as it was, Sanngriðr couldn't put it into words... at least not the common words. No. Gods, if he was going to stick around, she'd have to teach him. Honestly, Sanngriðr didn't even mind the prospect. What had gotten into her? The valkyrie shifted her weight, lifting her muzzle to the stiff summer breeze. "A fight," there was a bear somewhere not far off, and she tipped her head towards it. That or maybe she could goad the man into fighting her... no, that was too forward. That, and as badly as Sanngriðr wanted to hurt and be hurt when she was in a mood like this, she didn't want to run the risk of taking things too far. The valkyrie wouldn't run the risk of harming him.

"Together?" Did he really want to come? Sanngriðr thought to herself for a moment. In a mood like this, she'd be rotten company. But he wanted to? The valkyrie had a hard time convincing herself of it. She had to double check, just to be... just to be sure of it.
