



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-01-2013, 06:54 PM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2013, 06:54 PM by Epiphron.)

Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias happened to be nearby, albeit in a different direction than her husband; while the call was not altogether familiar, she found herself intrigued as to its origin. Her children were growing older, and she'd heard talk of some kind of feud between Glaciem and Valhalla -- she was beginning to become more interest in such affairs as she no longer had to tend to her children as much. The mere thought of her former pack being in trouble was distressing. Though she didn't know if Maverick would want to get too involved, she knew she would not let her family walk into danger without being there to protect them. But if she had the choice -- to remain here, with her husband and children -- or to defend her sister, her brother, her nieces and nephews?

It was not a choice she wanted to make, so for now she would push such ideas into the back of her mind until she heard any news of what was going on.

As she drew near to the source of the call, the scent of Valhalla was strong, and it lifted her spirits. Though she greatly looked forward to every meeting from her family, her allies, her former pack-mates; she was always worried that they would come bearing bad news.

Maverick was already there, and she noted Obsidian quickly. The equine was an honorary Valhallan, and though it was a strange addition to the pack, it was not totally absurd. A smile graced the Queen's features as she padded forth, coming to a gradual halt at her mate's side. "Obsidian," she greeted the horse, interjecting slightly. She was quick to direct her attention to the male she didn't already know; though he smelled strongly of Valhalla as well. "Queen Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias," she introduced herself, figuring Maverick already had -- hopefully making it obvious that she was a former Valhallan, if the stranger did not already know.