
Even the land is my enemy!




Expert Fighter (180)

Expert Navigator (180)

11 Years
Large species

Critical Observation!OverachieverPride - Pansexual
02-15-2022, 05:08 AM
Oscar has been trying to exploring more and more, and today he has wandered a little further south. The tells himself that he needs to get a lay of land and he keeps reminding himself of this fact as the small ass walks on. Small hooves plow through snow, drifting flakes falling lazily toward the ground. As winds his way around the jutting façade of the foreboding mountain, a bitter wind kicks up, tossing snow at him and whiting out the landscape for a moment. The small ass tucks his chin in and lays his ears back as he slowly moves on, Nugget, who is sitting fluffed out on the donkey’s butt, clacks his beak together each time the wind picks up. The annoyed bird’s rings out over the gusting wind, “Why exactly are we here again?” Oscar lets out an annoyed snort, small tail flicking up behind his back as he huffs out, “Because our group needs to understand this land better.”

The frozen Nugget clicks his beak and gives the grumpy donkey rump a rather hard peck. Giving a short bray of surprise, Oscar starts to raise up on his front legs, thinking of bucking his annoying rooster companion off but quickly changes his mind. Heaving a sigh, the caramel hued donkey continues onward. The rooster, realizing he struck a nerve with the cold ass, offers, “Well… at least we don’t have to worry about any wolves here.” All Oscar gives Nugget is a flick of his long ears, too exasperated to converse with the rooster. Taiga had rubbed up against the donkey before the group separated to do their own things and he hopes that will help too.

The roar of a polar bear stops the small ass in his tracks, eyes widening as he hears a wolf’s answering snarl. Oscar is racing through the snow before he even realizes it, trying not to think too hard on the fact that he is racing to help a predator. As the coat of tall blue wolf comes into view, the donkey quickly spies the bear lunging forward to swipe at it. Opening his mouth, the ass brays loudly, charging straight toward the attacking bear. Just before he is within the polar bear’s striking range, Oscar turns his body and sinks all his weight into his butt. Snow spews up into the bear’s eyes and it raises up onto its hind legs to try and clear its field of vision.

The donkey is already moving into the bear’s space and turning to present his rump to the creature. With an angry swipe of its paw, it clears its eyes and moves to return to all fours. Oscar is waiting for it. Rearing up, the donkey brays loudly again and lunges forward, sinking all his weight into his front legs as he lifts his rear of the ground. Back hooves connect squarely with beast’s jaw and it sends the bear sprawling to the ground in a dashed lump. Nugget flaps his wings to keep his balance through it all and, once the kick is delivered, the ass quickly retreats toward the dark blue pup.

Giving the kid a side glance, Oscar asks, “Got any plans?” The polar bear is already moving to regain its footing, roaring and striking out blindly to keep any attacks at bay while it tries to recover.

"Oscar" | "Nugget"

Be warned! Oscar can (and often times will) be an ass!
Oscar has a thick Irish accent and a Cochin Rooster companion named Nugget who is always nearby