
My Pirate Treasure

Bowen ♡


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-15-2022, 11:40 AM

The hall to the cavern finally gave way to open space. Light from a circular hole up above illuminated the space, bouncing off of the crystals like a million tiny lights. Bowen's maw parted slightly as she released a soft gasp of awe. This place... was one of the most beautiful things she'd ever laid eyes upon. A fitting grave for a ship that must have once been so fine. Padding quietly towards the ship, Bowen's newly grown tail snaked across the stone ground behind her like a cream and caramel bridal train.

Taking a path through the glittering pieces of glass, the pair of wolves were soon at the ship. The sound of awe from Artorias brought soft, bell like laughter from the small fae. He questioned her and Bowen gave a small shake of her head. "Triple mast is closer to a square rig," she explained. "The crew that I was a part of sailed a sloop." Despite having been stolen from her family, it was obvious simply by the way that she spoke and the expressions on her delicate features that she had loved every minute of being at sea. "This is built to hold a larger crew and to hold treasure and plunder. The ship that I sailed was built for cutting through water and outrunning the fastest of ships."

Lifting one sable paw, Bowen hesitated for a moment, then placed it down upon the gangplank. Her claws bit into the old wood for a second and she released a breath that she wasn't aware she'd been holding. The other paw followed suit and soon she was moving upwards and onto the main deck of the ship.

The crystals had pierced the hull, protruding even from the decking beneath her paws. The whole of the ship was still in fairly good shape from what she could see, however. The wood felt sturdy underfoot. Even the paint and sails still held their color. Reliving the past, it was as though Artorias was momentarily forgotten. She could almost feel the salt wind combing through her fur and the woman's chin tilted upwards, emerald eyes drifting closed for a moment.

Though her eyes were closed, tears began to pool at the corners. "I miss it," she whispered. "I miss it so much." The sea held the woman's heart like no man ever would. Being here on the old, crystal ridden ship... it reminded her of what she had once been, but would never be again.

"Bowen" | "Carpathian"
[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]